a lightweight web application launcher for gunicorn and static files.

pip install app-server==0.9.3


App Server

The App Server project allows to start a gunicorn server to deliver application logic. Which is wrapped by a werkzeug server to deliver staticfiles. Primarily the App Server is used as a lightweight alternative to the dev_appserver for the google appengine build with python. But all gunicorn projects can be started with it. The static paths are stored in an app.yaml as handlers and are therefore compatible to google appengine projects.

Getting Started

Take a look at the example folder. Here you can find a start.sh which starts the App Server on port 8080.

External APIs

App Server allows app code to connect to external APIs, eg Google Cloud Datastore, like normal. To use the local datastore emulator, first start it, then in a separate shell set the appropriate environment variables (notably DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST and DATASTORE_DATASET) to point your app to it before you run App Server.


The app server dependents on the following packages


use pip or pipenv to install this package

   pip install app-server


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.