A Library for managing appointments

pip install appoints==1.0b1



A library for managing appointments

###Overview The appoints lib helps organize appointments. (Surprise) It is capable of reckoning whether an appointment or, in case of recurring appointments, whether a future of these is on a given day or not.

The lib can parse the appointments from files; consult the section Input/ Output for further details.

###Appointments Appointments are stored in objects of the appoint class, which is implemented in the file appoint.py.

Appoint objects strore what you'd expect:

start : datetime            The appointment's start date
end   : datetime            The appointment's end date
inc   : [int,int,int,int]   The time after start until the appointment repeats,
                              given as list of exactly 4 values: [#years, #days, #hours, #minutes]
                            Note: #years describes the number of years, i.e. one year may equal to 365 or 366 days
                            Note: To have an appointment happen every month (e.g. every 1st), simply create
                                  12 appointments that repeat every year
                            Note: To not have an appointment repeat, simply set all values to 0
prio  : int                 The appointment's priority
text  : string              The appointment's subject
spec  : special             See the section special for details

Methods for appoint objects include:

is_present( curr_time : datetime ) : boolean
                            Checks whether the appointment is on the date given by curr_time
is_past( curr_time : datetime ) : boolean     
                            Checks whether the appointment is before the date given by curr_time
is_future( curr_time : datetime ) : boolean     
                            Checks whether the appointment is after the date given by curr_time

is_present( curr_time : datetime, time_eps : timedelta ) : boolean     
                            Checks whether the appointment is after the date given by curr_time
                              but before the date curr_time + time_eps

evolve( ) : appoint         Generates the next occurance of the appointment or None if there's none
                              (The appointment “evolves”.)

###“Specials” Now for the interesting part. Specials are intended to be used as a method to highlight special information about an appointment. Thus, if written as plain text, specials would be those parts of the subject that are prepended by special characters as #, $, |, @, etc.

An object of the special class, implemented in the file special.py, contains a dictionary that defines the special parts to be considered. Further, it contains dictionaries that define the behavior of those special parts when a corresponding appointment is output or evolves.

Duplicate special parts may cause undefined behavior.

By default, the following specials are used:

Char  Meaning     Default print behavior      Default evolution behavior

 @    Location    @<value>                    @<value> → @<value>
 #    Number      #<value>  (No | present)    #<value> → #<value + 1>     (No $ present)
                  <nothing> (else)            #<value> → #<value + step>  (step = value of $)
                                              Note: Evolution fails if the resulting new value is greter than
                                                the value of a present “Count” special part
 |    Count       <nothing> (No # present)    |<value> → |<value>
                  <num> of <value> 
                        (num = value of #)
 $    Step        <nothing>                   $<value> → $<value>

To change the default behavior, dictionaries different from the default ones can be passed during the object construction. The values of the different specials are stored in a dictionary tokens.

 Dict [Source]                    Entry
 token_map [char]                 unique string
 evolution_map [token_map[char]]  function taking the tokens and returning the new value
 print_map [token_map[char]]      function taking the tokens and returning a string
 tokens [token_map[char]]         value of the special;
                                  can be passed as tokens [char], but will then be converted 

It is also possible to replace only some of the dictionaries' ertries.

Methods for special objects include:

has_next() : bool     Checks whether the corresponding appoint object can evolve
evolve() : special    Returns the special object obtained by applying the evolution_map on every entry in tokens
print() : string      Returns the string obtained by applying the print_map on every entry in tokens

Examples can be found in the examples folder.

###Input/ Output Input and output routines are implemented in the file io.py. ####File IO The functions read_appoints and write_appoints will read/ write files, whereby each appointment consists of 4 lines:

yyyy mm dd HH MM        #Start Date
yyyy mm dd HH MM        #End Date
y d h m prio            #Inc and priority
subject                 #String containing the subject and specials

For example, a file might look like:

2015 12 31 00 00
2015 12 31 23 59
1 0 0 0 0
New Year's Eve

2016 01 01 00 00
2016 01 01 23 59
1 0 0 0 0
New Year's Day

2016 06 28 00 00
2016 06 28 23 59
1 0 0 0 5
Tau Day

2015 01 01 00 00
2015 01 01 23 59
0 3 0 0 0
Days since 2015-01-01: #0 $3

2015 09 25 16 00
2015 09 25 18 00
0 0 0 0 3
Some appointment @Somewhere 


pip install appoints

###Examples Currently, the following examples can be examined:

  • appoints-term.py — Shows upcoming appointments in a terminal using fancy ANSI escapes
  • appoints.py — Powerline segment; Shows current and upcoming appointments and evolves them if necessary.