
A CLI tool to validate changeset approvals.

bash, docker, pytest, python, python-3-8
pip install approvals-validator==0.2.1


Approval Validator

A CLI to validate that sufficient approvals have been received for a changeset in the context of a project.

Table of Contents


The quickest way to use the tool in anger is to install it using pip: pip install approvals-validator.

Alternatively, run the executable from the project root. Install dependencies with bin/setup.


% validate_approvals --help

Usage: validate_approvals REQUIRED_FLAGS

  Validate that the correct approvals have been received to approve changes
  to the given files.

  Note: Multiple approvers and/or changed files can be passed as CSV strings.


    validate_approvals --approvers alovelace,eclarke --changed-files src/com/twitter/follow/

  -a, --approvers USERNAMES       Username(s) of approvals.  [required]
  -c, --changed-files FILE_PATHS  File paths. [required]
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.


  • Python >= 3.8.0 (for functools.cached_property)

A .tool-versions file is included for asdf users.


The test-runner script (./test) will attempt to install dependencies in a virtualenv at project root named ./env.

For reference, bin/setup usage instructions:

  ./bin/setup [OPTIONS] ENV

Install dependencies for `validate_approvals` in a virtualenv at project root.

Available environments:

 dev     Install all dependencies
 prod    Install minimal dependencies for running `validate_approvals`
 test    Install minimal and test dependencies

Available options:

 --silent  Run without verbose output


A test runner script is included to run the entire test suite and display code coverage metrics. Pass the --docker flag to (re-)build a Docker image and run tests with Docker.

Acceptances tests are written in Bash script, unit and integration tests in Python with pytest.

% ./test

Running acceptance tests...
./validate_approvals -c data/minimal/y/file -a B
./validate_approvals -c data/minimal/y/file -a A,C
./validate_approvals -c data/minimal/y/file -a D
./validate_approvals --approvers alovelace,ghopper --changed-files data/repo/src/com/twitter/follow/,data/repo/src/com/twitter/user/
./validate_approvals --approvers alovelace --changed-files data/repo/src/com/twitter/follow/
./validate_approvals --approvers eclarke --changed-files data/repo/src/com/twitter/follow/
./validate_approvals --approvers alovelace,eclarke --changed-files data/repo/src/com/twitter/follow/
./validate_approvals --approvers mfox --changed-files data/repo/src/com/twitter/tweet/

Running pytest tests...

Running mypy on 11 files... done with status 0
Success: no issues found in 11 source files
...............................                                   [100%]

---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.8.0-final-0 -----------
Name                                                 Stmts   Miss  Cover
approval_validator/                           3      0   100%
approval_validator/                        14     14     0%
approval_validator/                 30      0   100%
approval_validator/                         14     14     0%
approval_validator/                         9      2    78%
approval_validator/                        74      0   100%
approval_validator/tests/                     0      0   100%
approval_validator/tests/      37      0   100%
approval_validator/tests/             59      4    93%
TOTAL                                                  240     34    86%

Design Notes

The script entrypoint is the CLI function in the executable validate_approvals.

The approval_validator.cli_utils module defines how arguments are parsed.

ChangeSet, ChangedDirectory

The main classes are ChangeSet and ChangedDirectory.

The former models an entire changeset (i.e., all the files passed via the --changed-files flag), the latter each individual entry in the list of files passed to --changed_files.

# approval_validator/ L24-37

def affected_directories(self) -> Tuple[Path, ...]:
    return util.find_dependent_dirs(

def approved(self) -> bool:
    Return true if sufficient approval has been received for this
    for impacted_dir in self.impacted_directories:
        if not self.__change_approved(impacted_dir):
            return False
    return True


File-parsing and directory-traversal logic is housed in the file_utils module.


Defines ApprovalValidatorError, the base class for library-specific exceptions, and ProjectRootNotFoundError, which is raised when a project root can't be found.

# approval_validator/ L8-20

class ProjectRootNotFoundError(ApprovalValidatorError):
    """Raised when a project root can't be found."""
    def __init__(self, start_dir):
        self.start_dir = start_dir

    def __str__(self):
        message = f"""
        Project root search failed. Started from: {self.start_dir}

        Note: We detect the presence of a project root using the entries of
        PROJECT_ROOT_FILES. (see: approval_validator/
        return f"\n\n{cleandoc(message)}"


Caching improved running time by ~20%. The following facilities are used: