
Library to modify SD card images, in particular for the Raspbery Pi OS

pip install approxeng.reimage==0.0.1



Get with pip install approxeng.reimage (Python 3.7 or higher only). As this wraps command line tools to actually mount and open the image files, it will only work on a Linux host.

Rewrite disk images programmatically:

  • Optionally copy the disk image to keep your original files untouched
  • Quick methods to
    • Enable SSH
    • Set up host name (/etc/hosts and /etc/hostname)
    • Configure wpa_supplicant.conf to add wifi networks
    • Copy SSH private keys from host machine into user authorized_keys to enable key based SSH logins
    • Configure sshd
  • Utilities to quickly write to files in the SD card image, setting owner and permissions

Great if you need to manage a set of single board computers such as the Raspberry Pi, but don't want to use the same image on each one (bad because things like hostname should really be unique), or manually edit files remotely (tedious). With this library you can quickly script production of whatever disk images you need. For example...

from approxeng.reimage import RaspberryPiOSImage
from approxeng.reimage.config_files import home_path, SSHDConfig, Network

# Copy the original image to 'green.img' and mount it to make modifications
with RaspberryPiOSImage(image_filename='/home/tom/shrink-image/image.img',
                        copy_image=f'{image_name}.img') as im:
    # Set host name, in this case the Pi will be accessible at green.local
    # Add a couple of wifi networks
    im.configure_wifi(networks=[Network(ssid='cyclonic', pass_phrase='blah blah blah'),
                                Network(ssid='cyclonic_IoT', pass_phrase='blah blah blah')],
    # Turn on SSH
    # Copy public keys from 'tom' on the host machine to 'pi' in the image
    im.add_ssh_keys(user_name='pi', key_paths=[home_path(user='tom') / '.ssh/'])
    # Disable password based authentication now we have SSH keys set up