
MQTT Bluetooth Service for Aqua Systems Tap Timer

"aqua, systems", yardeen, bluetooth, "home, assistant", "tap, timer", aqua-systems, bluetooth-low-energy, custom-component, home-assistant, mqtt, tap-timer
pip install aquasystems-driver==0.0.3


MQTT Bluetooth Service for Aqua Systems Tap Timer

Also known as Yardeen Bluetooth Irrigation Sprinkler for sale on Ebay.

This package includes - a service to interface to the Tap Timer over Bluetooth - an MQTT service to send updates to a central broker and receive commands to update attributes - Home Assistant custom components to display values


  • Only connect to device as needed
  • Implement Notify option for attributes
  • Allow changing attributes from Home Assistant
  • Test on Raspberry Pi
  • Support all attributes of the device
  • MQTT auto discovery for Home Assistant


Bluetooth Service

The driver allows connecting, disconnecting, reading and setting attributes on the device.

Supported attributes are


pip install aquasystems-driver

Check install instructions for Adafruit-BluefruitLE and your OS



Print the services and characteristics of the device

python examples/ "Spray-Mist B29F"


Sample script to interact with the timer, output variables and change duration

python examples/ "Spray-Mist B29F"

Sample Code

from aquasystems.timer import TimerService

# connect device - see examples/
# ...

timer = TimerService(device)

# read battery level
battery = timer.battery

# read cycle duration
duration = timer.cycle_duration

# write cycle duration
time.cycle_duration = 30

# write cycle 1 start time
timer.cycle1_start = [7, 30]

MQTT Service

The MQTT Service connects to a broker to broadcast the device status, as well as listening for commands to get/set attributes.

It has 3 topics.

Command Topic - '$SYS/broker/aquatimer/command' Info Topic - '$SYS/broker/aquatimer/info' Battery Topic - '$SYS/broker/aquatimer/battery'

Info and Battery topic are read only, while the Command Topic listens for get/set commands.


Run the service to handle MQTT communication to the device.

python examples/ --device_id="Spray-Mist B29F" --broker_url="mqtt://"


Example message payload to trigger the battery level to be broadcast on the Battery Topic.

    "cmd": "get",
    "item": "battery"

Example message payload to trigger all attributes to be broadcast on the Info Topic.

    "cmd": "get",
    "item": "all"

Example message payload to set the value of the cycle duration

    "cmd": "set",
    "item": "cycle_duration",
    "value": 30

Example message payload to set the value of the cycle 1 start time

    "cmd": "set",
    "item": "cycle1_start",
    "value": [6, 10]

After any set message, the updated attributes are broadcast on the Info Topic.

Home Assistant Custom Component

Component to implement sensors for supported attributes of the device.


Copy contents of custom_components directory to location of custom components in Home Assistant. Check Component Loading documention for more details.

Sample Config

# add MQTT Broker

# Setup AquaSystems component
  state_topic: '$SYS/broker/aquatimer/info'
  command_topic: '$SYS/broker/aquatimer/command'

# Define Aqausystems sensors
  - platform: mqtt
    state_topic: "$SYS/broker/aquatimer/battery"
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    name: Timer Battery
    icon: mdi:battery
    value_template: "{{ value_json.battery }}"

  - platform: aquasystems
    name: Timer Status
    sensor_type: status

  - platform: aquasystems
    name: Timer Time
    sensor_type: time

  - platform: aquasystems
    name: Duration
    sensor_type: cycle_duration

  - platform: aquasystems
    name: Frequency
    sensor_type: cycle_frequency

  - platform: aquasystems
    name: Cycle 1
    sensor_type: cycle1_start

  - platform: aquasystems
    name: Cycle 2
    sensor_type: cycle2_start

  - platform: aquasystems
    name: Manual Time
    sensor_type: manual_time_left

  - platform: aquasystems
    name: Rain Delay
    sensor_type: rain_delay_time


Timer Controls:
  name: Tap Timer
  icon: mdi:water-pump
    - sensor.timer_status
    - sensor.timer_time
    - sensor.timer_battery
    - sensor.duration
    - sensor.frequency
    - sensor.cycle_1
    - sensor.cycle_2
    - sensor.manual_time
    - sensor.rain_delay

Timer Panel:
  view: yes
  name: Tap Timer
  icon: mdi:water-pump
    - group.timer_controls