
A Simple ASCII Table Generator

ascii, table, generator
pip install asciicells==0.9.2


ASCII Cells - Another ASCII Table Generator

Targeted at Python3

This tool is based on latest Python3 (v3.5.0). It does support Python2.7, but this is an accident.


$ sudo pip install asciicells


$ sudo python install

High level usages

After installed, an executable asciicells would available for use. If not, please replace following examples with python -m asciicells.

$ asciicells -f demo.csv

| No. | sample  | name      |
|     |         |           |
| 1   | a,b,c   | lettes    |
|     |         |           |
| 2   | + - x / | operators |

With header:

$ asciicells -f demo.csv -H

| No. | sample  | name      |
| 1   | a,b,c   | lettes    |
|     |         |           |
| 2   | + - x / | operators |

Also support TSV: asciicells -f demo.tsv -t -H

Low level usages

>>> import asciicells
>>> ac = asciicells.AsciiCells()
>>> L = [['a', 'b'], ['1', '2']]
>>> print(ac.render(L))
| a | b |
|   |   |
| 1 | 2 |

See for more examples.

Why another ASCII table generator?

When needing an ASCII table generator, I googled some but they neither can wrap long lines in single table cell, nor support quoted COMMAs in csv file. So I have to write my own version.

| it must be   | In 2011, millions of people began to use the | Extra  |
| indeed-cont- | China Railways website on a daily basis and  |        |
| inuously     | the system began experiencing problems with  |        |
| available    | performance.                                 |        |
|              |                                              |        |
| his team     | the old system: the relational database was  | Python |
| performed a  | overloaded and could not handle either the   |        |
| root cause   | scale of incoming requests or the level of   |        |
|              | reliability.                                 |        |

Tests and Pull Request

This tool works as long as it generate neat tables. So yes, we have tests by eyes: just run python and check its outputs.

Following KISS, I consider this tool as feature completed. So only accept PRs with bug fixes or code improvements.


mitnk (


MIT License