CLI util to deal with Jupyter Notebooks

pip install asekuro==0.1.2




A commandline util for jupyter notebooks, possibly to be used in trainings and/or githooks.

Asekuro means insurance in esperanto.

The main goal is to have a commandline app that can be used in githooks. The main features we wanted in this app is that we had a nice way to:

  1. Clear notebook cells
  2. Be able to confirm that the notebook can run without errors.
  3. Be able to deal with solutions via %load magic.


Installation can be done via pip.

> pip install asekuro

Note that we only support python>=3.6.


Once installed, the commandline app can be used.

> asekuro
Usage: asekuro [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Asekuro - it means insurance in esperanto.

  This command line app allows you to check for errors in jupyter notebooks
  and it also allows you to supply a python file with assert statements.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  check    Check (notebook) files in sequention for errors.
  clean    Clean notebook files.
  test     Check notebook files independantly.
  version  Echo the version of asekuro.

Testing a Notebook

We merely test if the notebook can be run from top to bottom without any errors. This may be dependant on the virtualenv that you're currently running.

> asekuro test tests/testnb.ipynb
2018-07-30 15:40:04,060 [] DEBUG - about to test tests/testnb.ipynb
2018-07-30 15:40:04,074 [] DEBUG - /tmp/testnb-test.ipynb is now stripped
============== test session starts =======================================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.6.5, pytest-3.6.4, py-1.5.4, pluggy-0.7.1 -- 
cachedir: ../../../../../tmp/.pytest_cache
rootdir: /tmp, inifile:
plugins: nbval-0.9.1
collected 6 items                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

tmp/testnb-test::ipynb::Cell 0 PASSED                                        [ 16%]
tmp/testnb-test::ipynb::Cell 1 PASSED                                        [ 33%]
tmp/testnb-test::ipynb::Cell 2 PASSED                                        [ 50%]
tmp/testnb-test::ipynb::Cell 3 PASSED                                        [ 66%]
tmp/testnb-test::ipynb::Cell 4 PASSED                                        [ 83%]
tmp/testnb-test::ipynb::Cell 5 PASSED                                        [100%]
============== 6 passed in 1.11 seconds  ==================================================================
2018-07-30 15:40:05,983 [] DEBUG - removing temporary testing notebook /tmp/testnb-test.ipynb
2018-07-30 15:40:05,984 [] DEBUG - testing done for tests/testnb.ipynb

Clean Notebook

Sometimes you may want to remove the output of the cells. This can be done automatically now too.

> asekuro clean tests/testnb.ipynb 
2018-07-30 15:44:23,508 [] DEBUG - about to strip tests/testnb.ipynb of output
2018-07-30 15:44:23,516 [] DEBUG - tests/testnb.ipynb is now stripped


You can run some unit tests via pytest. Note that we test using local notebooks as well as a docker container. We want the container that is there to break the build.