Jennie as a software package aims to provide platform based protocols through which any developers will be able to store and reuse development related tasks.
The software follows the below structure.
jennie <stack> <type> <event>
Stacks : Stacks are platforms for which protocol aims to run. Currently we have build automation for platforms Angular, Django, Python
Type : Each stack may have two types of protocol
- ui-lib : UI Component is made reusable.
- automations : Automation events can be made reusable
Event : Supported Events for protocol
- Upload
- Download
- Update
- Delete
- Sync
- Create
- Create Readme
- Add Event
- Create API ( Supported for Django only. )
Supported Protocols for Uploading and Reusing Automations
Angular UI library Protocol the protocol is used to upload and download Angular UI components.
Angular Automations Protocol the protocol is used to upload and download Angular Automations like login-via-google.
Django Automation Protocol the protocol is used to upload and download Django Automations.
Ubuntu Server Protocol the protocol helps developers for deploying andf setting up Ubuntu Servers.
A list of upload software package can be found at : The software can be used only after login, to register continue to
Supported command List
Command | Usage |
jennie angular ui-lib download |
Download Angular UI Library from server to local |
jennie angular ui-lib upload |
Upload Angular UI Component as library to server |
jennie angular ui-lib update |
Update already uploaded Angular UI Component to server |
jennie angular ui-lib delete |
Delete angular UI library from server |
jennie angular ui-lib sync |
Sync a owners library to local for Angular UI Library |
jennie angular ui-lib create-readme |
Create basic readme structure for Angular UI library |
jennie angular automations create |
Create basic automation structure for Angular Automations |
jennie angular automations add-event |
Add Event to angular Automations |
jennie angular automations download |
Download Angular Automations from server to local |
jennie angular automations upload |
Upload Angular Automations to server |
jennie angular automations update |
Update already uploaded Angular Automations to server |
jennie angular automations delete |
Delete angular Automations from server |
jennie angular automations sync |
Sync a owners library to local for Angular Automations |
jennie angular automations create-readme |
Create basic readme structure for Angular Automations |
jennie django automations create |
Create basic automation structure for Django Automations |
jennie django automations add-event |
Add Event to Django Automations |
jennie django automations download |
Download Django Automations from server to local |
jennie django automations upload |
Upload Django Automations to server |
jennie django automations update |
Update already uploaded Django Automations to server |
jennie django automations delete |
Delete Django Automations from server |
jennie django automations sync |
Sync a owners library to local for Django Automations |
jennie django automations create-readme |
Create basic readme structure for Django Automations |
jennie django automations create-api |
Create basic django api |
jennie ubuntu setup lemp |
Install LEMP on ubuntu server ( MYSQL, Nginx, PHP) |
jennie ubuntu setup phpmyadmin |
Install PHPMYADMIN on ubuntu server |
jennie ubuntu deploy web |
Deploy a web directly on ubuntu server |
jennie django deploy django |
Deploy a django project directly on ubuntu server |