Nested telemetry logger.

pip install austen==0.2.6



Nested telemetry logger. Perfect for printing algorithms. Dumps into json file.


Core idea behind Austen is to have algorithm call stack logged with exact arguments.These are stored in a dictionary and dumped into json. Additionally Austen handles dumps of some additional file types. These include:

  • objects (using joblib)
  • plots
  • sheets
  • dictionaries
  • images
  • GIFs

All files will be dumped in a folder structure, that corresponds to your algorithm (folder per branch).

Getting started

pip install austen

How to use

Manual entries

We'll start by importing Logger class from the library.

from austen import Logger

Now we can instantiate Logger object.

logger = Logger(output='logs')

By output argument you can specify base directory for subsequent dumps. It will dump to your current working directory (relative path). If you want to dump it somewhere else, just put absolute path in there. Now it'll dump to ./logs/.

Now let's add some entry to our logger.

logger.add_entry('foo', 'bar')

You can also add multiple entries at once.

entries = [
    ('a', 1),
    ('b', 2),
    ('c', 5)


Entries are stored in a dictionary. This means that key has to be hashable. If you think something is appropriate for json format, just push it to logger.

Wrapping function calls

Let's log some functions.

def add(x, y):
    return x + y

def foo(logger:Logger, x, y):
    return logger.log_func(
        kwargs={'x': x, 'y': y}

Other file types

Now let's see how we can dump files.


logger.save_obj(logger, name='logger')
  • name denotes name of your file. File extensions are handled automatically.

Objects are serialized using joblib.

Plots, figures

logger.save_fig(figure, name='foo')

Your figure should implement savefig interfaces from matplotlib. It's de facto standard for plots in Python.



with open('foo.csv') as csv:
    frame = pd.read_csv(csv)
    logger.save_csv(frame, name='foo')

Your frame should implement to_csv interface from pandas. I guess everyone's just using pandas nowadays to handle sheets.



Dictionaries are saved in json format.

logger.save_json(dictionary, name='dictionary')


logger.save_image(image, name='astronaut')
logger.save_image(image, name='coffee')

We use to handle images. Images are saved as png.

logger.save_image(image, name='astronaut', prefix_step=True)
logger.save_image(image, name='coffee', prefix_step=True)

You can also use prefix_step parameter to append some ordering prefix. Guess now it's time to talk about steps. It's a private counter inside your logger, that's incremented each time you use log_func. So later, when you're viewing your files, you can order them by name (which is default for most OS). It'll result in following structure:



logger.save_gif(images, 'your-sequence')

GIFs are dumped using PIL.

Time to get a bit crazy (nesting)

with Logger(logs_dir) as logger:
    logger.add_entry('x', 0)

    with logger.get_child('bar') as child_logger:
        child_logger.add_entry('y', 1)

You can nest your loggers using get_child method. We recommend you wrap your loggers with scopes, so they're easier to manage.

  • once logger is disposed, it'll merge to the parent logger.
  • once root logger is disposed, it'll dump all your telemetry in json file

Another tip would be to write code in 'scope per branch' fashion - you do single method, where you use only single logger. You can pass parent logger with an argument.
