
Automatic scaling of web dynos on paas services

pip install autoscalebot==2.1


Autoscalebot has one simple aim: to make scaling paas services something you can stop worrying about. Right now, it just supports heroku and simple request-time scaling.

The next version will support other paas stacks, as well as configurable measurement and decision backends. Autoscalebot also loves django, and plays nicely with it.

Build Status


If you're using not django:

  1. pip install autoscalebot, and add it to your requirements.txt

  2. Create a settings file somewhere in your PYTHON_PATH. We typically call it, but you can call it whatever you like.

  3. Set these settings for your app, as well as any optional tuning settings. See for an example.

    HEROKU_APP_NAME = "my-app-name"
    HEROKU_API_KEY = "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"
  4. Add autoscale to your Procfile:

    autoscaleworker: autoscalebot --settings=autoscale_settings

If you are using django:

  1. pip install autoscalebot, and add it to your requirements.txt

  2. Set these required settings in your, as well as any optional tuning settings. Prefix all names on the settings list below with AUTOSCALE_

    AUTOSCALE_HEROKU_APP_NAME = "my-app-name"
    AUTOSCALE_HEROKU_API_KEY = "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"
  3. If you want the built-in test view:


      INSTALLED_APPS += ("autoscalebot",)

      urlpatterns += patterns('',
          url(r'^', include('autoscalebot.urls', app_name="autoscalebot", namespace="autoscalebot"), ),
  4. Add it to your Procfile:

    autoscaleworker: project/ run_autoscalebot


How it works

Autoscalebot requests a heartbeat URL, and makes sure the response time is within the limits you've defined. If it's outside those bounds enough times in a row, it scales up or down your app as needed. Every part of that description is configurable via the settings. Note that running autoscalebot will require one worker dyno, so if you're hobbying it and running one dyno most of the time, it won't save you any cash. It doesn't have to be run on heroku though - any internet-enabled computer will do.

Available settings

Autoscalebot has a bunch of settings, so you should be able to tune it for most needs.


    • Required. The name of your app, ie "dancing-forest-1234".

    • Required. Your API key - you can get it on your account page.

    • the number of seconds between heartbeat checks. Defaults to 30.

    • the url autoscale should hit, and expect a response in a given time. Defaults to /autoscalebot/heartbeat/

    • the maximum time a response can take, before it counts as "too slow". Defaults to 1000.

    • the minimum time a response can take, before it counts as "too fast". Defaults to 200.

    • the number of consecutive fails (timeouts or 500s) before autoscale adds dynos. Defaults to 3.

    • the number of consecutive passes before autoscale removes dynos. Defaults to 5.

    • the absolute maximum number of dynos. Default to 3. This value is either an integer, or a dictionary of time/max pairs. E.g.

      # sets the absolute max as 5 dynos
      MAX_DYNOS = 5
      # Sets the max as 5 dynos from 9am-5pm local time, and 2 dynos otherwise.
      MAX_DYNOS = {
          "0:00": 2,
          "9:00": 5,
          "17:00": 2
      # If you're using time-based settings, don't forget to set your time zone.  For django, that's:
      TIME_ZONE = 'America/Vancouver'

    • the absolute minimum number of dynos. Default to 1. This value is either an integer, or a dictionary of time/max pairs. E.g.

      # sets the absolute min as 2 dynos
      MIN_DYNOS = 2
      # Sets the min as 3 dynos from 8am-6pm local time, and 1 dyno otherwise.
      MIN_DYNOS = {
          "0:00": 1,
          "8:00": 3,
          "18:00": 1

    • the number of dynos to add or remove on scaling. Defaults to 1.

    • A list of backends to call for all notify requests. Defaults to []

    • (v0.3) Paired with the setting below, this setting will call the NOTIFICATION_BACKENDS if the scale differential in the given time period exceeds the threshold. For example, if I see a scale of more than 10 dynos within 30 minutes, something intesting is happening with the site. I'd probably like to know. Defaults to None, and is disabled.

    • (v0.3) The time period to count differentials over. Defaults to None.

    • Call the NOTIFICATION_BACKENDS when the app is at MAX_DYNOS, and the reponses are too slow. This likely means that MAX_DYNOS is too low, but autoscalebot won't scale it up without your explicit instructions. Defaults to True.

    • Call the NOTIFICATION_BACKENDS when the app is at MIN_DYNOS, and the reponses are below the scale down minimum (but above one). Useful for learning if you have MIN_DYNOS set too low. Defaults to False.

    • Call the NOTIFICATION_BACKENDS if a call to the scaling API fails for any reason. Note that a scale fail doesn't hurt anything, and scaling will be attempted again in the next heartbeat. Defaults to False.

    • Call the NOTIFICATION_BACKENDS on every scale. Defaults to False.

    • Call the NOTIFICATION_BACKENDS on every ping. Defaults to False.


autoscalebot supports notification backends, so you can be notified when scale ups and downs happen. It ships with a few backends. Pull requests for other backends are welcome! Built in are:

  • ConsoleBackend, which prints messages to the console,
  • DjangoEmailBackend, which emails the ADMINS when used in a django project,
  • LoggerBackend, which sends messages to the python logger.
  • TestBackend, which adds messages to a list, and is used for unit testing.

To use backends, simply specify them in NOTIFICATION_BACKENDS. For example:


Making a good heartbeat URL

The best heartbeat url will test against the bottlenecks your app is most likely to have as it scales up. The bundled django app provides a url that hits the cache, database, and disk IO. To make autoscale fit your app, you're best off writing a custom view that emulates your user's most common actions.

Django's staticfiles gotcha, and some delightful side-effects of autoscale

There's a truth about Heroku and most other cloud-based services: If no traffic hits your dyno, they quietly shut it down until a request comes in. Normally, that's not a big deal, but due to a confluence of staticfiles looking at the local filesystem for unique-filename caching, and heroku's read-only (ish) filesystem on dynos, the sanest way to handle static files on heroku is often with a Procfile like this:

web: project/ collectstatic --noinput;python project/ run_gunicorn -b "$PORT" --workers=4

The problem, of course, is that once Heroku kills your dyno, the new one has to re-run collectstatic before it can serve the request - and that can take a while. autoscalebot's heartbeats have a very nice side effect: if you set them low enough (every couple minutes for small sites), and you're properly minimally sized, each dyno will get traffic, and Heroku will never kill them off.



  • Major overhaul - switching to pluggable backends for monitoring, decision, scaling, and notification.
  • Time-based notification thresholds
  • Setting to have a minimum cool-off time between scales

Recent updates (full log in CHANGES)


  • Better django integration includes a heartbeat url and view
  • Time-based MAX and MIN settings
  • Notifications via NOTIFICATION_BACKENDS


  • Initial release


This package is not written, maintained, or in any way affiliated with Heroku. "Heroku" is copyright Heroku.

Code credits for autoscalebot itself are in the AUTHORS file.