
Base consumer class for working with Avro datums

pip install avroconsumer==0.6.1



A set of Rejected classes that automatically encode and decode AMQP message bodies as Avro datums.

For applications that can share schema files, Avro datum provide small, contract based binary serialization format. Leveraging AMQP's Type message property to convey the Avro schema file for decoding the datum, avroconsumer's classes extend Rejected's rejected.consumer.SmartPublishingConsumer.

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avroconsumer is available on the Python package index.


avroconsumer has two base consumer types: LocalSchemaConsumer and RemoteSchemaConsumer. The difference between the two resides in how they load the Avro schema file. The LocalSchemaConsumer loads schema files from a local directory, while the RemoteSchemaConsumer loads schema files from a remote location accessible via HTTP.


To use the LocalSchemaConsumer, you need to set the schema_path config value in the consumer configuration of the rejected configuration file. The following snippet demonstrates an example configuration:

    consumer: app.Consumer
    connections: [rabbit1]
    qty: 1
    queue: datum
    qos_prefetch: 1
    ack: True
    max_errors: 5
      schema_path: /etc/avro-schemas/

In this example configuration, if messages are published with a AMQP type message property of foo and a content-type property of application/vnd.apache.avro.datum, classes extending the combination of LocalSchemaConsumer will use the Avro schema file located at /etc/avro-schemas/foo.avsc to deserialize messages.


The RemoteSchemaConsumer loads schema files from a remote HTTP server. It expects the schema_uri_format setting in the consumer configuration of the rejected configuration file. The following snippet demonstrates an example configuration:

    consumer: app.Consumer
    connections: [rabbit1]
    qty: 1
    queue: datum
    qos_prefetch: 1
    ack: True
    max_errors: 5
      schema_uri_format: http://schema-server/avro/{0}.avsc

In this example configuration, if messages are published with a AMQP type message property of foo and a content-type property of application/vnd.apache.avro.datum, classes extending the combination of RemoteSchemaConsumer will use the Avro schema file located at http://schema-server/avro/foo.avsc to deserialize messages.


The following example uses the RemoteSchemaConsumer class to receive a message and deserialize it. It evaluates the content of the message and if the field foo equals bar it will publish a bar message.

import avroconsumer

class FooConsumer(avroconsumer.RemoteSchemaConsumer):

    def process(self):
        if self.body['foo'] == 'bar':
            self.publish('bar', 'amqp.direct', 'routing-key',
                         {'timestamp': time.time()}, {'bar': True})

Enforcing Message Type

As with any instance of rejected.consumer.Consumer, the avroconsumer classes can automatically rejected messages based upon the type message property. Simply set the MESSAGE_TYPE attribute of your consumer and any messages received that do not match that message type will be rejected.
