
Aztec Code generator in Python

pip install aztec-code-generator==0.11


Aztec Code generator

PyPI License: MIT Build Status

This is a pure-Python library to generate Aztec Code 2D barcodes.


  • v0.1-v0.2: initial Python packaging
  • v0.3: allow optional border, more efficient matrix representation
  • v0.4: merge delimitry#5 and fix tests
  • v0.5:
    • code simplification
    • more efficient internal data structures (Enum)
    • encoding of FLG(n)
    • correct handling of Python 3 str vs. bytes (Aztec Code natively encodes bytes, not characters, and a reader's default interpretation of those bytes should be ISO-8859-1 aka Latin-1)
  • v0.6:
    • more code simplification
    • make Pillow dependency optional
    • add print_fancy for UTF-8 output (inspired by qrencode -t ansiutf8)
    • bugfix for DIGITPUNCT transition (and add missed test case)
    • allow customization of error correction percentage level
  • v0.7:
  • v0.8-v0.9:
    • replace Travis-CI with Github Actions for CI
  • v0.10
    • bugfix for lowercase → uppercase transition (fixes encoding of strings like abcABC)
  • v0.11
    • fix docstrings
    • change default module_size in image output to 2 pixels; ZXing can't read with module_size=1


Releases from PyPi may be installed with pip3 install aztec_code_generator.

Bleeding-edge version from master branch of this repository can be installed with pip3 install


Pillow (Python image generation library) is required if you want to generate image objects and files.


Creating and encoding

from aztec_code_generator import AztecCode
data = 'Aztec Code 2D :)'
aztec_code = AztecCode(data)

The AztecCode() constructor takes additional, optional arguments:

  • size and compact: to set a specific symbol size (e.g. 19, True for a compact 19×19 symbol); see keys(aztec_code_generator.configs) for possible values
  • ec_percent for error correction percentage (default is the recommended 23), plus size a

Saving an image file'aztec_code.png', module_size=4, border=1) will save an image file aztec_code.png of the symbol, with 4×4 blocks of white/black pixels in the output, and with a 1-block border.

Aztec Code

Creating an image object

aztec_code.image() will yield a monochrome-mode PIL Image object representing the image in-memory. It also accepts optional module_size and border.

Text-based output

aztec_code.print_fancy() will print the resulting Aztec Code to standard output using Unicode half-height block elements encoded with UTF-8 and ANSI color escapes. It accepts optional border.

aztec_code.print_out() will print out the resulting Aztec Code to standard output as plain ASCII text, using # and characters:

##  # ## ####
 #   ## #####  ###
 #  ##  # #   # ###
## #  #    ## ##
    ## # #    # #
## ############ # #
 ### #       ###  #
##   # ##### # ## #
 #   # #   # ##
 # # # # # # ###
    ## #   # ## ##
#### # ##### ## #
  # ##       ## ##
 ##  ########### #
  ##    # ##   ## #
     ## # ### #  ##
##   #     # ##   #
##  #    ## ###   #


Originally written by Dmitry Alimov (delimtry).

Updates, bug fixes, Python 3-ification, and careful bytes-vs.-str handling by Daniel Lenski (dlenski).


Released under The MIT License.