
Second edition of Project Babbage, create a blockchain from scratch.

pip install babbagecoin==0.2.3



A understandable proof of work blockchain.

Visit our web page for a nice general overview of the project !

Quickly run a node !

pip install --user babbagecoin
python -m babbagecoin master
# then in another terminal:
python -m babbagecoin miner

For development


Install docker, docker-compose and python3.8 or above. You also need poetry.

Run poetry install then poetry shell


Run the node (master + miner):


Stop the node properly:

make stop --> to stop all containers if you didn't stopped them properly (if you did two Ctrl+C in a row)

Or you can run separately the master or miner:

make (master | miner)

There are also VSCode actions for debugging each one of them.

Interact with the blockchain

!! Important

Configure your blockchain by creating a .env file on the same model as what's in .env.example.

The wallet will generate a private key for you, save it to private.key.<CURRENT_USER>, and reuse it afterward. A public key is derived from this private key. The hash of the public key is your address, for example e93417c7 (first 8 characters). The wallet is managing only one private key at the time.


Use the script (chmod +x it first):

./ tx MARTIAL 10 0.3 --> sending 10BBC with 0.5BBC fees to MARTIAL

make tx is a shortcut for the above command


./ balance to get your wallet balance

make balance is a shortcut for the above command