
Command line tool to make local backups of GitHub repositories and gists

pip install backup-my-hub==0.9



backup-my-hub is my take at a simple command line tool to backup

  • both Git repositories and gists

  • for a given list of GitHub users, organizations or repositories

to a given local directory.

I started backup-my-hub because I moved most of my Git repositories to GitHub and wanted to be sure that if my account or some repository of mine ever gets deleted or blocked, I would have a backup.


Configuration is rather simple, though a bit unusual. I picked this format for extensibility:

# cat ~/.config/backup-my-hub/main.cfg
[user hartwork]
[user gentoo-ev]
[repository gentoo/blender-gentoo-logo]
[repository gentoo/blender-gentoo-logo-overlay]
[repository gentoo/eassign]
[repository gentoo/elogv]
[repository gentoo/fetchcommandwrapper]
[repository gentoo/grub2-themes-overlay]
[repository gentoo/porticron]

Usage (--help output)

# backup-my-hub --help
usage: backup-my-hub [-h] [--config FILE] [--user USER] [--verbose]
                     [--api-token TOKEN] [--version]

positional arguments:
  DIRECTORY          Local directory to sync repositories and gists to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --config FILE      Configuration file to use (default: ~/.config/backup-my-
                     hub/main.cfg, if existing)
  --user USER        GitHub user name; if given, configured users and
                     repositories are ignored
  --verbose          Increase verbosity
  --api-token TOKEN  Authenticate to the API server (e.g. to push rate limits)
  --version          show program's version number and exit


If you are looking for software doing similar things but in different ways, there are: