Python framework for Bale messenger Bot API

pip install balebot==1.8.15


Bale bot python

Build Status

Python SDK and samples for Bale bot messenger.

Register for an Access Token

You'll need to create your bot by @Bot_Father. Bot_Father gives you a Token to start.


pip install -r requirements.txt


import asyncio

from balebot.filters import *
from balebot.handlers import MessageHandler, CommandHandler
from balebot.models.messages import *
from balebot.updater import Updater

updater = Updater(token="Bot_token",
bot =
dispatcher = updater.dispatcher

Note: You need to set if you want to use the logger class

Simple communication with client

Allows you to hear from client and answer.

@dispatcher.message_handler(filters=TextFilter(keywords=["hello"]))  # filter text the client enter to bot
def hear(bot, update):
    message = TextMessage('Hello')
    user_peer = update.get_effective_user()
    bot.send_message(message, user_peer, success_callback=success, failure_callback=failure)
Sending a simple voice message:

Note:You should upload the voice file first.

Allows you to send a voice message. (You can also send a document in the same way).

def send_voice(bot, update):
    user_peer = update.get_effective_user()
    v_message = VoiceMessage(file_id=file_id, access_hash=access_hash, name="Hello", file_size='259969',
                                 duration=20, file_storage_version=1)
    bot.send_message(v_message, user_peer, success_callback=success, failure_callback=failure)
Sending a generic template message:

Note:Generic Template Messages

Allows you to add cool text buttons to a general message.

def ask_question(bot, update):
    general_message = TextMessage("a message")
    btn_list = [TemplateMessageButton(text="yes", value="yes", action=0),
                TemplateMessageButton(text="no", value="no", action=0)]
    template_message = TemplateMessage(general_message=general_message, btn_list=btn_list)
    bot.send_message(template_message, user_peer, success_callback=success, failure_callback=failure)
Sending a generic purchase message:

Allows you send a purchase message. Clients can pay the money requested by the message by pressing "pay" button.

def purchase_message(bot, update):
    message = update.get_effective_message()
    user_peer = update.get_effective_user()
    first_purchase_message = PurchaseMessage(msg=message, account_number=6037991067471130, amount=10,
    bot.send_message(first_purchase_message, user_peer, success_callback=success, failure_callback=failure)

visit bale-developers for more information