
A Bandit formatter for the Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) Version 2.1.0 file format.

pip install bandit-sarif-formatter==1.1.1


SARIF formatter for Bandit


bandit_sarif_formatter is a report formatter for Bandit, a security analyzer for Python. It produces output in the Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) Version 2.1.0 file format, an OASIS Committee Specification.

To learn more about SARIF and find resources for working with it, you can visit the SARIF Home Page.


To build the bandit_sarif_formatter package, see the Python Packaging Authority's instructions for Packaging Python Projects, in particular the section "Generating distribution archives."

Briefly: run the following commands from the project root directory:

python -m pip install --user --upgrade setuptools wheel
python sdist bdist_wheel

The source distribution (.tar.gz) and wheel-style built distribution (.whl) packages appear in the dist/ directory.


To publish the bandit_sarif_formatter package, see the section "Uploading the distribution archives" and "Next steps" in Packaging Python Projects.

Briefly: log in to with the TODO account, and then run the following commands from the project root directory:

python -m pip install --user --upgrade twine
python -m twine upload dist/*


To install the bandit_sarif_formatter package, run the command:

python -m pip install bandit_sarif_formatter


To generate SARIF output from Bandit, run the command:

bandit --format sarif [targets [targets ...]] --output out.sarif


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