
Software for Analysis of Color Images

pip install barvocuc==2.0b2



Software for Color Image Analysis


For Windows, a package with the graphical interface is available at the GitHub releases page. Select the first barvocuc-gui.exe file there.

For other systems, and for using the non-interactive interface, barvocuc can be installed as a Python package on Python 3.5 or greater. Required libraries (such as Numpy, Scipy, Pillow and PyQT) should be installed automatically this way.

The command to install varies slightly between environments. On most Linux distributions,it is:

python3 -m pip install --user barvocuc[gui]

In a Python virtual environment, enter:

python -m pip install barvocuc[gui]

If using as a library, leave off the [gui]. If you need to use configuration files from Barvocuc 1.0, use [gui,oldconf] instead of [gui].



The graphical interface can be started with:

barvocuc gui

The interface allows setting analysis parameters (thresholds for individual colors, model version) and adding images to analyze. When an image is added or selected, it and its analysis results can be viewed in views at the bottom of the window. Additional views canbe enabled via the "View" menu.

When images are added and parameters set, numerical results can be exported to CSV format (either to file or to the clipboard). Also, results can be saved to directory; this outputs result images as well as the CSV.

The parameters can be saved to and restored from files using menu options.

Batch processing

Non-interactive processing is done using the command:

barvocuc analyze IMAGES

(Substitute source images or directories for IMAGES.)

This outputs analysis results to standard output as CSV.

To save results to file instead, use -o FILE.csv.

To save results including images, use --outdir DIRECTORY.


Barvocuc also works as a Python library. Example usage:

from barvocuc import ImageAnalyzer
with open(filename, 'rb') as img_file:
    analyzer = ImageAnalyzer(img_file)


The Analyzer objects have dict-like attributes results (numerical results), arrays (Numpy arrays), and images (Pillow images). To see which results are available, see for example:

for key in analyzer.results:


You’re welcome to join this project!

If you spot an issue, please report it at the Issues page on Github.

If you’d like to start changing the code or documentation, check out the code locally using:

git clone

If you’re new to this, please read the this guide about collaborating on Github-hosted projects like this one.

If that doesn’t make sense, please e-mail the author for clarification. I’d be happy to help you get started.

Release checklist

Releasing the software is still a bit cumbersome. If you're the maintainer, you can follow these steps to get a release out:

  • Install tools and test deps: python -m pip install twine -e.[test]
  • Run make to regenerate message catalogs. Commit if necessary.
  • Run tests: python -m pytest test_barvocuc
  • Update the version number in
  • Make the release rm -rvf dist/ ; python sdist bdist_wheel
  • Check files from dist/ by installing into a fresh virtualenv.
  • Switch to branch appveyor, commit barvocuc/translations/*.qm, push
  • Wait for Appveyor to successfully build
  • Tag and push the commit that changed
  • Run twine upload dist/* to release on to PyPI
  • Add release notes and Appveyor result to Github Releases


© 2010,2011,2012,2016 Petr Viktorin & Národní Ústav Duševního Zdraví

This SW is a result of the research funded by the project Nr. LO1611 with a financial support from the MEYS under the NPU I program.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

A copy of the GNU General Public License is included in the file called LICENSE.