
SDK Package for Basiq's HTTP API

basiq, finance, sdk, api
pip install basiq==0.9.3b3



This project is deprecated and is no longer maintained. Please use Go or NodeJS SDK instead. Python SDK

This is the documentation for the Python SDK for API.

This SDK is compatible with Python 3

Introduction Python SDK is a set of tools you can use to easily communicate with Basiq API. If you want to get familiar with the API docs, click here.

The SDK is organized to mirror the HTTP API's functionality and hierarchy. The top level object needed for SDKs functionality is the Session object which requires your API key to be instantiated. You can grab your API key on the dashboard.


0.9.0beta - Initial release

Getting started

Now that you have your API key, you can use the following command to install the SDK:

pip install basiq

Import the package

import basiq

And input the endpoint you wish to target

api = basiq.API("")

Common usage examples

Fetching a list of institutions

You can fetch a list of supported financial institutions. The function returns a list of Institution structs.

import basiq

api = basiq.API("")
session = basiq.Session(api, "YOUR_API_KEY")

institutions = session.getInstitutions()

You can specify the version of API when instantiating Session object. When the version is not specified, default version is 1.0.

import basiq

api = basiq.API("")
session = basiq.Session(api, "YOUR_API_KEY", "2.0")

institutions = session.getInstitutions()

Creating a new connection

When a new connection request is made, the server will create a job that will link user's financial institution with your app.

import basiq

api = basiq.API("")
session = basiq.Session(api, "YOUR_API_KEY")

user = session.forUser(userId)

job = user.createConnection({
    "loginId": "gavinBelson",
    "password": "hooli2016",
    "institution": {
        "id": "AU00000"

// Poll our server to wait for the credentials step to be evaluated
connection = job.waitForCredentials(1000, 60)

Fetching and iterating through transactions

In this example, the function returns a transactions list struct which is filtered by the property. You can iterate through transactions list by calling Next().

import basiq

api = basiq.API("")
session = basiq.session(api, "YOUR_API_KEY")

user = session.forUser(userId)

fb = basiq.utils.FilterBuilder()
fb.eq("", "conn-id-213-id")
transactions = user.getTransactions(fb)

    print("Next transactions len:", len(


The API of the SDK is manipulated using Services and Entities. Different services return different entities, but the mapping is not one to one.


If an action encounters an error, you will receive an HTTPResponseException instance. The class contains all available data which you can use to act accordingly.

HTTPError class fields
correlationId #string
data #map

You can invoke the get_message() method or just str(error) to get the messages. Messages will be concatenated with a comma.

Check the docs for more information about relevant fields in the error object.


Some of the methods support adding filters to them. The filters are created using the FilterBuilder class. After instantiating the class, you can invoke methods in the form of comparison(field, value).


import basiq

fb = basiq.utils.FilterBuilder()
fb.eq("", "conn-id-213-id").gt("transaction.postDate", "2018-01-01")
transactions = user.getTransactions(fb)

This example filter for transactions will match all transactions for the connection with the id of "conn-id-213-id" and that are newer than "2018-01-01". All you have to do is pass the filter instance when you want to use it.