
Small library for generating XKCD style passphrases

passwords, passphrases
pip install batterystaple==0.1.0dev1



Small library for generating XKCD style passphrases. ( Word list sourced from:

In addition to generating a passphrase, by default the generate function logs some basic analysis of the difficulty of cracking the password based on the number of candidate words used in generating the passphrase.

Usage Examples

Calling generate with no arguments:

In [0]: from batterystaple import generate

In [1]: generate()
Generating passphrase of length 4 from 274907 candidate words...
Passphrase generated.
Number of possible passphrases with given length and constraints: 5,711,408,111,099,032,105,201
Time required to try all combinations at speed of 1 billion attempts/second: 5,711,408,111,099s
For the sake of comparison, here are several other lengths of time:
Seconds in one year: 31,557,600s
Seconds since UNIX epoch (Jan 1, 1970 12:00:00am): 1,416,230,980s
Seconds since humans emerged as a distinct species: 6,311,520,000,000s
Seconds since the universe formed: 435,494,880,000,000,000s
Out[1]: 'nonviable_gratification_workbench_subdwarfs'

Limiting candidate words to between 4 and 8 characters each:

In [0]: from batterystaple import generate
In [1]: generate(min_length=4,max_length=8)
Eliminating all words less than 4 characters in length...
1435 words removed from list of candidates.
Eliminating all words greater than 8 characters in length...
158943 words removed from list of candidates.
Generating passphrase of length 4 from 114529 candidate words...
Passphrase generated.
Number of possible passphrases with given length and constraints: 172,052,851,568,492,369,281
Time required to try all combinations at speed of 1 billion attempts/second: 172,052,851,568s
For the sake of comparison, here are several other lengths of time:
Seconds in one year: 31,557,600s
Seconds since UNIX epoch (Jan 1, 1970 12:00:00am): 1,416,230,980s
Seconds since humans emerged as a distinct species: 6,311,520,000,000s
Seconds since the universe formed: 435,494,880,000,000,000s
Out[1]: 'visards_gentlest_inmost_imbued'

Generating a passphrase consisting of 5 words with no underscores in the returned string:

In [0]: from batterystaple import generate

In [1]: generate(num_words=5,with_underscores=False)
Generating passphrase of length 5 from 274907 candidate words...
Passphrase generated.
Number of possible passphrases with given length and constraints: 1,570,106,069,597,901,618,944,491,307
Time required to try all combinations at speed of 1 billion attempts/second: 1,570,106,069,597,901,568s
For the sake of comparison, here are several other lengths of time:
Seconds in one year: 31,557,600s
Seconds since UNIX epoch (Jan 1, 1970 12:00:00am): 1,416,230,980s
Seconds since humans emerged as a distinct species: 6,311,520,000,000s
Seconds since the universe formed: 435,494,880,000,000,000s
Out[1]: 'headwaysmaterialisehandstandssjambokingalpinists'

And finally, limiting log output:

In [0]: import logging

In [1]: from batterystaple import generate

In [2]: generate(log_level=logging.WARN)
Out[2]: 'cherisher_knobbiness_yardages_teinded'

In [3]: generate(log_level=logging.ERROR)
Out[3]: 'eider_scarabaeoid_heartsome_unsleeping'