Gherkin language in class-based tests - test suite blueprinting

pip install bdd-coder==2.2.3.dev3


BDD Coder

A package devoted to agile implementation of class-based behavioural tests. It consists of:

  • coder package able to

  • tester package employed to run such blueprint tests, which also has the ability to export their docs as YAML specifications

Test with tox - see tox.ini.

See mastermind for an application.


This package was born as a study of Behaviour Driven Development; and from the wish of having a handy implementation of Gherkin language in class-based tests, to be employed so that development cycles start with coding a behavioural test suite containing the scenario specifications in test case method __doc__s - as bdd_coder.tester achieves.

In conjunction with bdd_coder.coder, development cycles start with:

  1. A set of YAML specifications is agreed and crafted

  2. From these, a test suite is automatically created or patched

  3. New test step methods are crafted to efficiently achieve 100% behavioural coverage

User Story (feature) specifications

Each test suite (tester package) has a structure


corresponding to a specifications directory

├─ aliases.yml
└─ features/
   ├─ some-story.yml
   ├─ another-story.yml
   ├─ ...
   └─ this-story.yml

A story YAML file (the ones under features/) corresponds to a test case class declared into, consisting mainly of scenario declarations:

Title: <Story title>  # --> class __name__

Story: |-  # free text --> class __doc__
  As a <user group>
  I want <feature>
  In order to/so that <goal>

  Scenario name:  # --> scenario __doc__
    - Step "1" with "A" gives `x` and `y`
      # ...
    - Last step with "B" gives `result`
  # ...

# Extra class atributes - ignored in patching
Extra name:

So only the keys Title, Story, Scenarios are reserved.

Scenario names are unique if bdd_coder.tester.decorators.Steps takes validate=True (the default), which also validates class hierarchy.

Step declarations

  • Start with a whole word - normally 'Given', 'When', or 'Then' - that is ignored by the tester (only order matters)

  • May contain:

    • Input *args sequence of values in double-quotes - passed to the step method

    • Output variable name sequence using backticks - if non-empty, the method should return the output values as a tuple, which are collected by the bdd_coder.tester.decorators.Steps decorator instance, by name into its outputs map of sequences

  • May refer to a scenario name, either belonging to the same class (story), or to an inherited class


Declared as

Alias sentence:  # --> method to call
  - Step sentence  # from scenario __doc__s
  - Another step sentence
  # ...
# ...

corresponding to

MAP = {
    'step_sentence': 'alias_sentence',
    'another_step_sentence': 'alias_sentence',
    # ...


The core of each test suite consists of the following required class declarations in its module:

from import MyTestCase

from bdd_coder.tester import decorators
from bdd_coder.tester import tester

from . import aliases

steps = decorators.Steps(aliases.MAP, logs_parent='example/tests')

class BddTester(tester.BddTester):
    The decorated BddTester subclass of this suite - manages scenario runs

class BaseTestCase(tester.BaseTestCase, MyTestCase):
    The base test case of this suite - manages test runs

Then, story test cases are declared in, with

from . import base
from bdd_coder.tester import decorators


class StoryTitle(BddTesterSubclass, AnotherBddTesterSubclass, ...[, base.BaseTestCase]):

with scenario declarations

  def [test_]scenario_name(self):
      Step "1" with "A" gives `x` and `y`
      Last step with "B" gives `result`

that will run according to their __doc__s, and the necessary step method definitions.

Test run logging

Implemented behavioural test step runs are logged by bdd_coder.tester as

1 ✅ ClearBoard.even_boards:
  1.1 - 2019-03-18 17:30:13.071420 ✅ i_request_a_new_game_with_an_even_number_of_boards [] ↦ ('Even Game',)
  1.2 - 2019-03-18 17:30:13.071420 ✅ a_game_is_created_with_boards_of__guesses ['12'] ↦ ()

2 ✅ ClearBoard.test_start_board:
  2.1 - 2019-03-18 17:30:13.071420 ✅ even_boards [] ↦ ()
  2.2 - 2019-03-18 17:30:13.071420 ✅ i_request_a_clear_board_in_my_new_game [] ↦ ('Board',)
  2.3 - 2019-03-18 17:30:13.071420 ✅ board__is_added_to_the_game [] ↦ ()

3 ❌ ClearBoard.test_odd_boards:
  3.1 - 2019-03-18 17:30:13.071420 ❌ i_request_a_new_game_with_an_odd_number_of_boards [] ↦ Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/unittest/", line 939, in __call__
    return _mock_self._mock_call(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/unittest/", line 995, in _mock_call
    raise effect
AssertionError: FAKE

Scenario runs {
    "1✅": "even_boards",
    "2✅": "test_start_board"
    "3❌": "test_odd_boards"
Pending []

All scenarios ran ▌ 2 ✅ ▌ 1 ❌

into $logs_parent/.bdd-run-logs/ (git-ignored), split by date into files YYYY-MM-DD.log, with the logs_parent value passed to bdd_coder.tester.decorators.Steps, which also has a max_history_length parameter - in days, older history is removed.

In Ubuntu I use the bash function

function bdd-log-tab() {
  gnome-terminal --tab -- tail -f $(pwd)/$1/.bdd-run-logs/$(ls $(pwd)/$1/.bdd-run-logs | tail -1)

to open a terminal tab that will output the log stream as tests run (if the .bdd-run-logs directory exists).


Check if pending scenarios

It may happen that all steps - and so all tests - that ran succeeded, but some scenarios were not reached. Run bdd-pending-scenarios after pytest to treat this as an error (recommended)

❌ Some scenarios did not run! Check the logs in [...]/.bdd-run-logs
usage: bdd-pending-scenarios [-h] logs_parent

positional arguments:
  logs_parent  Parent directory of .bdd-run-logs/

Export test suite docs as YAML

usage: bdd-make-yaml-specs [-h] [--overwrite] [--validate]
                           test_module specs_path

positional arguments:
  test_module      passed to importlib.import_module
  specs_path       will try to write the YAML files in here

optional arguments:
  --overwrite, -w

Additionally, validates code against generated specifications.

Coder commands

Make a test suite blueprint

usage: bdd-blueprint [-h] [--base-class BASE_CLASS]
                     [--specs-path SPECS_PATH] [--tests-path TESTS_PATH]
                     [--test-module-name TEST_MODULE_NAME] [--overwrite]

optional arguments:
  --base-class BASE_CLASS, -c BASE_CLASS
                        default: unittest.TestCase
  --specs-path SPECS_PATH, -i SPECS_PATH
                        default: behaviour/specs
  --tests-path TESTS_PATH, -o TESTS_PATH
                        default: next to specs
  --test-module-name TEST_MODULE_NAME, -n TEST_MODULE_NAME
                        Name for test_<name>.py. default: stories

The following:

bdd-coder$ bdd-blueprint -i example/specs -o example/tests --overwrite

will rewrite example/tests (with no changes if example/specs is unmodified), and run pytest on the blueprint yielding the output, like

============================= test session starts ==============================
platform [...]
collecting ... collected 2 items

example/tests/ PASSED        [ 50%]
example/tests/ PASSED       [100%]

=========================== 2 passed in 0.04 seconds ===========================

Patch a test suite with new specifications

Use this command in order to update a tester package with new YAML specifications - removes scenario declarations only, changes the scenario set, which may imply a new test class hierarchy with new stories and scenarios, adds the necessary step methods, and adds new aliases (if any).

usage: bdd-patch [-h] test_module [specs_path]

positional arguments:
  test_module  passed to importlib.import_module
  specs_path   Directory to take new specs from. default: specs/ next to test package

optional arguments:
                        default: @decorators.Scenario(base.steps)

The following:

bdd-coder$ bdd-patch example.tests.test_stories example/new_specs

will turn example/tests into example/new_tests, and run pytest on the suite yielding something like

============================= test session starts ==============================
platform [...]
collecting ... collected 3 items

example/tests/ PASSED          [ 33%]
example/tests/ PASSED         [ 66%]
example/tests/ PASSED          [100%]

=========================== 3 passed in 0.04 seconds ===========================

and a log

1 ✅ NewGame.new_player_joins:
  1.1 - 2019-04-01 00:30:50.164042 ✅ a_user_signs_in [] ↦ ()
  1.2 - 2019-04-01 00:30:50.164059 ✅ a_new_player_is_added [] ↦ ()

2 ✅ NewGame.test_even_boards:
  2.1 - 2019-04-01 00:30:50.164178 ✅ new_player_joins [] ↦ ()
  2.2 - 2019-04-01 00:30:50.164188 ✅ i_request_a_new_game_with_an_even_number_of_boards [] ↦ ('game',)
  2.3 - 2019-04-01 00:30:50.164193 ✅ a_game_is_created_with_boards_of__guesses ['12'] ↦ ()

3 ✅ NewGame.new_player_joins:
  3.1 - 2019-04-01 00:30:50.165339 ✅ a_user_signs_in [] ↦ ()
  3.2 - 2019-04-01 00:30:50.165348 ✅ a_new_player_is_added [] ↦ ()

4 ✅ NewGame.test_funny_boards:
  4.1 - 2019-04-01 00:30:50.165422 ✅ new_player_joins [] ↦ ()
  4.2 - 2019-04-01 00:30:50.165429 ✅ class_hierarchy_has_changed [] ↦ ()

5 ✅ NewGame.new_player_joins:
  5.1 - 2019-04-01 00:30:50.166458 ✅ a_user_signs_in [] ↦ ()
  5.2 - 2019-04-01 00:30:50.166466 ✅ a_new_player_is_added [] ↦ ()

6 ✅ NewGame.test_more_boards:
  6.1 - 2019-04-01 00:30:50.166535 ✅ new_player_joins [] ↦ ()
  6.2 - 2019-04-01 00:30:50.166541 ✅ user_is_welcome [] ↦ ()

Scenario runs {
    "1✅-3✅-5✅": "new_player_joins",
    "2✅": "test_even_boards",
    "4✅": "test_funny_boards",
    "6✅": "test_more_boards"
Pending []

All scenarios ran ▌ 6 ✅