
A BERT-based text summarization tool

bert, deep-learning, extractive-summarization, machine-learning, nlp, tensorflow, text-summarization
pip install bert-text-summarizer==0.0.2


A BERT-based Text Summarizer

Currently, only extractive summarization is supported.

This repo is TensorFlow centric (apologies to the PyTorch people.)

Using a word limit of 200, this model achieves approximately the following ROUGE scores on the CNN/DM validation set.

ROUGE-1: 64.0
ROUGE-2: 30.0

How does it work?

During preprocessing, the input text is divided into chunks up to 512 tokens long. Each sentence is tokenized using the bert official tokenizer and a special [CLS] is placed at the begging of each sentence. The ROUGE-1 and ROUGE-2 scores of each sentence with respect to the example summary are calculated. The model ouputs a single value corresponding to each [CLS] token and is trained to directly predict the mean of the ROUGE-1 and 2 scores.

During post-processing, the sentences are ranked according to their predicted ROUGE score. Finally, the top sentences are selected until the word limit is reached and resorted according to their positions within the text.


pip install -U bert-text-summarizer


Get training data

bert-text-summarizer get-cnndm-train --max-examples=10000

This outputs a tf-record file named cnndm_train.tfrec by default.

Leaving out --max-examples it will process the entire CNN/DM training set which may take >1 hours to complete.

Train the model

bert-text-summarizer train-ext-summarizer \
  --saved-model-dir=bert_ext_summ_model \
  --train-data-path=cnndm_train.tfrec \

Get summary

bert-text-summarizer get-summary \
  --saved-model-dir=bert_ext_summ_model \
  --article-file=article.txt \

Evaluate on the CNN/DM validation set

bert-text-summarizer eval-ext-summarizer \