
Standardized parsers for data published by bicycle-sharing programs. Currently supporting: NYC's Citi Bike, Chicago's Divvy, and Boston's Hubway.

bikeshare, citibike, hubway, divvy
pip install bikeshares==0.0.0



Bicycle-sharing services publish trip-history data in a variety of layouts and represent common variables, such as the rider's gender, in disparate ways. bikeshares, a Python library, standardizes this data. Currently supporting:

  • New York City — Citi Bike
  • Chicago — Divvy
  • Boston — Hubway


pip install bikeshares


bikeshares assumes you have already downloaded trip history and/or station data from the bikeshare services themselves. The bikeshares parsers read these files, and convert their data into a standardized set of fields. See Fields for details. Example usage:

from bikeshares.programs.chicago import Divvy
divvy = Divvy()


trips_per_station = divvy.trips.by_station()


Each supported bikeshare service has its own Python class. Each of those classes has two main methods:

  • load_trips("path/to/file.csv")
  • load_stations("path/to/file.csv")

Both methods expect the main CSV files published by the bikeshare services themselves as their first (and, typically, only) argument. Each program also has two main properties:

  • trips, a light wrapper around a pandas DataFrame of each loaded trip. trips.df provides direct access to the DataFrame. trips itself has several handy methods:

    • trips.by_station(), which returns trip counts per station
    • trips.by_day(), which returns daily trip counts
    • trips.by_month(), which returns monthly trip counts
    • trips.get_time_range(), which returns the start times of the earliest and latest loaded trips.
    • trips.from_time(time), trips.to_time(time), and trips.between_times(time_1, time_2), which let you return time-bounded subsets of the loaded trips.
  • stations, a pandas DataFrame containing each station.


Trips contain the following fields:

  • start_time
  • start_station (station ID)
  • end_time
  • end_station (station ID)
  • duration (in seconds)
  • bike_id
  • rider_type ("member" or "non-member")
  • rider_gender ("M", "F", or null; for members only, where available)
  • rider_birthyear (four-digit year; for members only, where available)

Stations contain the following fields:

  • id
  • name
  • lat
  • lng
  • capacity
  • install_date
  • removal_date

Bikeshare Services Currently Supported


    • Note: Citi Bike does not currently publish a CSV of stations. Instead, CitiBike.load_stations() pulls station information from Citi Bike's trip-history CSVs.
  • bikeshares.programs.chicago.Divvy
