
Binance chain python SDK

binance, chain
pip install binance-chain==1.0.0


Binance Chain python SDK

The Binance Chain python SDK is a asynchronous implementation for Binance Chain API, It includes the following modules:

  • BinanceChainRestAPI - The Binance Chain HTTP API client, provides access to a Binance Chain node deployment and market data services.
  • BinanceChainWsStream - The DEX websocket streams data client, provides subscribe and unsubscribe topic from server.


  • python 3.5.3 or above

  • third-part library

    • aiohttp>=3.2.1


use pip install

pip install binance-chain


REST API client

create a rest api client instance

from binance_chain.rest_api import BinanceChainRestAPI

HOST = ""

api = BinanceChainRestAPI(HOST)
  • Get node information.
import asyncio

def test():
    result, ok = await api.node_info()
    print("ok:", ok)
    print("result:", result)


and you can use the fallowing methods like that:

    result, ok = await api.get_time()
    result, ok = await api.node_info()
    result, ok = await api.validators()
    result, ok = await api.peers()
    result, ok = await api.account(ADDRESS)
    result, ok = await api.tx(TX_HASH)
    result, ok = await api.tokens()
    result, ok = await
    result, ok = await api.fees()
    result, ok = await api.depth("NNB-0AD_BNB", 20)
    result, ok = await api.klines("NNB-0AD_BNB", "1d")
    result, ok = await api.orders_closed(ADDRESS, symbol="BNB_BTC.B-918")
    result, ok = await api.orders_open(ADDRESS)
    result, ok = await api.order(order_id)
    result, ok = await api.ticker_24hr("000-0E1_BNB")
    result, ok = await api.trades(ADDRESS)
    result, ok = await api.transactions(ADDRESS)
Websocket Stream data client

create a websocket stream data client instance, and subscribe topics, or unsubscribe topics.

import asyncio

from binance_chain import consts
from binance_chain.websocket import BinanceChainWsStream

HOST = "wss://"
ADDRESS = "tbnb1efsnn75w7vxaummlhha9lmgcq4kpe38pjks0ee"

class Test:

    def __init__(self): = BinanceChainWsStream(HOST, connected_callback=self.subscribe_some_topics)

    async def subscribe_some_topics(self):
        print("websocket is connected success")
        await, consts.TOPIC_ORDER, ADDRESS, callback=self.orders_callback)
        await, consts.TOPIC_ORDER, ADDRESS, callback=self.depth_callback)

    async def orders_callback(self, data):
        print("order data:", data)

    async def depth_callback(self, data):
        print("depth data:", data)

  • command method
from binance_chain import consts

consts.METHOD_SUBSCRIBE  # subscribe
consts.METHOD_UNSUBSCRIBE  # unsubscribe
  • topics
from binance_chain import consts

consts.TOPIC_ORDER # orders
consts.TOPIC_ACCOUNT  # accounts
consts.TOPIC_TRANSFER  # transfers
consts.TOPIC_TRADE  # "trades
consts.TOPIC_MARKET_DIFF  # marketDiff
consts.TOPIC_MARKET_DEPTH  # marketDepth
consts.TOPIC_KLINE_1M  # kline_1m
consts.TOPIC_KLINE_3M  # kline_3m
consts.TOPIC_KLINE_5M  # kline_5m
consts.TOPIC_KLINE_15M  # kline_15m
consts.TOPIC_KLINE_30M  # kline_30m
consts.TOPIC_KLINE_1H  # kline_1h
consts.TOPIC_KLINE_2H  # kline_2h
consts.TOPIC_KLINE_4H  # kline_4h
consts.TOPIC_KLINE_6H  # kline_6h
consts.TOPIC_KLINE_8H  # kline_8h
consts.TOPIC_KLINE_12H  # kline_12h
consts.TOPIC_KLINE_1D  # kline_1d
consts.TOPIC_KLINE_3D  # kline_3d
consts.TOPIC_KLINE_1W  # kline_1w
consts.TOPIC_KLINE_1MON  # kline_1M
consts.TOPIC_TICKER  # ticker
consts.TOPIC_TICKER_ALL  # allTickers
consts.TOPIC_TICKER_MINI  # miniTicker
consts.TOPIC_TICKER_MINI_ALL  # allMiniTickers
consts.TOPIC_BLOCK_HEIGHT  # blockheight

For more API usage documentation, please check the wiki...