
Python Wrapper for Aleksey Vaneev's BiteOpt

pip install biteopt==0.2.1


BITEOPT - Derivative-Free Optimization Method


BITEOPT is a free open-source stochastic non-linear bound-constrained derivative-free optimization method (algorithm, heuristic, or strategy). The name "BiteOpt" is an acronym for "BITmask Evolution OPTimization".

The benefit of this method is a relatively high robustness: it can successfully optimize a wide range of multi-dimensional test functions. Another benefit is a low convergence time which depends on the complexity of the objective function. Hard (multi-modal) problems may require many optimization attempts to reach optimum.

Instead of iterating through different "starting guesses" to find optimum like in deterministic methods, this method requires optimization attempts (runs) with different random seeds. The stochastic nature of the method allows it to automatically "fall" into different competing minima with each run. If there are no competing minima in a function (or the true/global minimum is rogue and cannot be detected), this method in absolute majority of runs will return the same optimum.

BiteOpt uses self-optimization techniques making it objective function-agnostic. In its inner workings, BiteOpt uses objective function value's ranking, not the actual value. BiteOpt is a multi-faceted example of a "probabilistic computing" system.


This "black-box" optimization method was tested on 2000+ 1-60 dimensional optimization problems and performed well, and it successfully solves even 600-dimensional test problems found in some textbooks. But the main focus of the method is to provide fast solutions for computationally expensive "black-box" problems of medium dimensionality (up to 60).

This method was compared with the results of this paper (on 244 published C non-convex smooth problems, convex and non-convex non-smooth problems were not evaluated): Comparison of derivative-free optimization algorithms. This method was able to solve 77% of non-convex smooth problems in 10 attempts, 2500 iterations each. It comes 2nd (very close to the 1st) in the comparison on non-convex smooth problems (see Fig.9 in the paper). With a huge iteration budget (up to 1 million) this method solves 97% of problems.

On a comparable test function suite and conditions outlined at this page: global_optimization (excluding several ill-defined and overly simple functions, and including several complex functions, use test2.cpp to run the test) this method's attempt success rate is >94% (with 100% of functions solved) while the average number of objective function evaluations is ~370.

At least in these comparisons, this method performs better than plain CMA-ES which is also a well-performing stochastic optimization method. As of version 2021.1, BiteOpt's "solvability" exceeds CMA-ES on synthetic function sets that involve random coordinate axis rotations and offsets (e.g., BBOB suite). BiteOptDeep (e.g., with M=6) considerably outperforms CMA-ES in "solvability".

As a matter of sport curiosity, BiteOpt is able to solve, in reasonable time, almost all functions proposed in classic academic literature on global optimization. This is quite a feat for a derivative-free method (not to be confused with large-scale analytic and gradient-based global optimization methods). Of course, BiteOpt is capable of more than that. If you have a reference to a function (with a known solution) published in literature that BiteOpt can't solve, let the author know.

BiteOpt (state at commit 124) took 2nd place (1st by sum of ranks) in BBComp2018-1OBJ-expensive competition track. Since the time of that commit the method improved in many aspects, especially in low-dimensional convergence performance. Commit 124 can be considered as "baseline effective" version of the method (it is also maximally simple), with further commits implementing gradual improvements, but also adding more complexity.

Also, BiteOpt (state at commit 256) took 2nd place (3rd by sum of ranks) in BBComp2019-1OBJ competition track.

CBiteOpt (biteopt.h)

BiteOpt optimization class. Implements a stochastic non-linear bound-constrained derivative-free optimization method. It maintains a cost-ordered population list of previously evaluated solutions that are evolved towards a lower cost (objective function value). On every iteration, the highest-cost solution in the list can be replaced with a new solution, and the list reordered. A population of solutions allows the method to space solution vectors apart from each other thus making them cover a larger parameter search space collectively. Beside that, a range of parameter randomization and the "step in the right direction" (Differential Evolution "mutation") operations are used that move the solutions into positions with a probabilistically lower objective function value.

Since version 2021.1 BiteOpt uses a companion optimizer - SpherOpt - which works independently and provides "reference points" to BiteOpt. Such companion improves BiteOpt's convergence properties considerably, especially when the parameter space is rotated. Since version 2021.15 BiteOpt uses an additional companion optimizer - NMSeqOpt - which increases diversity of generated solutions.

Since version 2021.3 BiteOpt became a self-optimizing method not requiring any fune-tuning from the user nor the author.

CBiteOptDeep (biteopt.h)

Deep optimization class. Based on an array of M CBiteOpt objects. This "deep" method pushes the newly-obtained solution to the random CBiteOpt object which is then optimized. This method, while increasing the convergence time, is able to solve complex multi-modal functions.

This method is most effective on complex functions, possibly with noisy fluctuations near the global solution, that are not very expensive to calculate and that have a large iteration budget. Tests have shown that on smooth functions that have many strongly competing minima this "deep" method considerably increases the chance to find a global solution relative to the CBiteOpt class, but still requires several runs with different random seeds. When using this method, the required iteration budget usually increases by a factor of M0.5, but the number of the required optimization attempts usually decreases. In practice, it is not always possible to predict the convergence time increase of the CBiteOptDeep class, but increase does correlate to its M parameter. For some complex functions the use of CBiteOptDeep even decreases convergence time. For sure, the CBiteOptDeep class often produces better solutions than the CBiteOpt class.


BiteOpt is a completely self-optimizing method. It does not feature user-adjustable hyper-parameters. Even population size adjustments may not be effective.

It is usually necessary to run the optimization process several times with different random seeds since the process may get stuck in a local minimum. Running 10 times is a minimal general requirement. The required number of optimization attempts is usually proportional to the number of strongly competing minima in a function.

This method is hugely-probabilistic, and it depends on its initial state, which is selected randomly. In most cases it is more efficient to rerun the optimization with a new random seed than to wait for the optimization process to converge. Based on the results of optimization of the test corpus, for 2-dimensional functions it is reasonable to expect convergence in 1000 iterations (in a successful attempt), for 10-dimensional functions it is reasonable to expect convergence in 7000 iterations (harder functions may require more iterations to converge). Most classic 2-dimensional problems converge in 400 iterations or less, at 10-6 precision.

Each run may generate an equally-usable candidate solution (not necessarily having the least cost), in practice the researcher may select solution from any run based on his/her own considerations. In this light, it may be incorrect to assume that least-performing runs are "wasted". In practice, least-performing runs may give more acceptable parameter values within the search space in comparison to the best-performing runs.

Note that derivative-free optimization methods in general provide "asymptotic" solutions for complex functions. Thus it is reasonable to expect that BiteOpt gives an optimal solution with some tolerance only. Given a large enough function evaluation budget, BiteOpt usually does find an optimal solution which is cross-checked with several other solvers, but a solution of a new unexplored function must be treated as "asymptotically" optimal.


Rogue optimums may not be found by this method. A rogue optimum is an optimum that has a very small, almost undetectable area of descent and is placed apart from other competing minima. The method favors minimum with a larger area of descent. The Damavandi test function is a perfect example of the limitation of this method (this test function is solved by this method, but requires a lot of iterations). In practice, however, rogue optimums can be considered as undesired outliers that rely on unstable parameter values (if such parameters are used in real-world system that has a certain parameter value precision, a system may leave the "rogue" optimal regime easily).

To a small degree, this method is immune to noise in the objective function. While this method was designed to be applied to continuous functions, it is immune to discontinuities, and it can solve problems that utilize parameter value rounding (integer parameters). This method can't acceptably solve high-dimensional problems that are implicitly or explicitly combinatorial (e.g., Perm, and Lennard-Jones atom clustering problems) as in such problems the global descent vanishes at some point and the method is left with an exponentially increasing number of local minima. Similarly, problems with many competing minima without a pronounced global descent towards global minimum (e.g., Bukin N.6 problem) may not be solved acceptably as in most cases they require exhaustive search or a search involving knowledge of the structure of the problem.

Difference between upper and lower parameter bound values should be specified in a way to cover a wider value range, in order to reduce boundary effects that may reduce convergence.

Tests have shown, that in comparison to stochastic method like CMA-ES, BiteOpt's convergence time varies more from attempt to attempt. For example, on some problem CMA-ES's average convergence time may be 7000 iterations +/- 1400 while BiteOpt's may be 7000 +/- 3000. Such higher standard deviation is mostly a negative property if only a single optimization attempt is performed since it makes required budget unpredictable. But if several attempts are performed, it is a positive property: it means that in some optimization attempts BiteOpt converges faster and may find a better optimum with the same iteration budget per attempt. Based on test2.cpp (2-dimensional) and test3.cpp (14-dimensional) test corpuses, only about 1% of attempts require more than 3*sigma iterations, 58% of attempts require less than the mean. A typical probability distribution of percent of attempts/sigma is as follows (discretized, not centered around 0 because it deviates from the standard distribution, the mean corresponds to 0*sigma):

PDF plot

Constraint programming

Mixed integer programming can be achieved by using rounded parameter values in the objective function. Note that using categorical variables may not be effective, because they require combinatorial search. Binary variables may be used, in small quantities (otherwise the problem usually transforms into a combinatorial problem as well). While not very fast, BiteOpt is able to solve binary combinatorial problems if the cost function is formulated as a sum of differences between bit values and continuous variables in the range [0; 1].

Equality and non-equality constraints can be implemented as penalties. The author has found a general effective method to apply value constraints via penalties. In the code below, n_con is the number of constraints, con_notmet is the number of constraints not meeting tolerances, and the pn[] is the array of linear penalty values for each constraint; a penalty value should be set to 0 if it meets the tolerance. For derivative-free methods, a suggested equality tolerance is 10-4, but a more common 10-6 can be also used; lower values are not advised for use. Models with up to 190 constraints, both equalities and non-equalities, were tested with this method. In practice, on a large set of problems, this method finds a feasible solution in up to 93% of cases.

double pns = 0.0;
int i;

for( i = 0; i < n_con; i++ )
	pns = pns * pow( 4.0, 1.0 / n_con ) + pn[ i ] +
		pn[ i ] * pn[ i ] + pn[ i ] * pn[ i ] * pn[ i ];

real_value = cost;
cost += 1e10 * ( con_notmet + pns );

In essence, this method transforms each penalty value into a cubic penalty value, places each penalty value into its own "stratum", and also applies a "barrier value" that depends on the number of constraints not met. The barrier value is suitably large for most practical constraint programming problems.

See constr.cpp for an example of constraint programming. constr2.cpp is an example of non-linear constraint programming with both non-equalities and equalities. To effectively solve constraint programming problems, the CBiteOptDeep class should be used, with M=6 or higher.

It is not advisable to use constraints like (x1-round(x1)=0) commonly used in model libraries to force integer or binary values, as such constraint formulation does not provide a useful global gradient. Instead, direct rounding should be used on integer variables.

Convergence proof

Considering the structure of the method and the fact that on every iteration only improving solutions are accepted into the population, with ever decreasing upper bound on the objective function value, it is logically impossible for the method to be divergent. While it is strictly non-divergent, the formal proof of ability of the method to converge is complicated, and should be at least as good as partly random search and partly Differential Evolution.

Tested uses

This optimization method was tested for the following applications beside synthetic benchmarking:

  • Hyper-parameter optimization of complex non-linear black-box systems. Namely, AVIR image resizing algorithm's hyper-parameters, digital audio limiter algorithm's parameters.

  • Non-linear least-squares problems, see the calcHougen and calcOsborne functions in the testfn.h file for example problems.

  • BiteOptDeep was successfuly used for direct search of optimal short symmetric FIR filters. Namely, in r8brain-free-src sample rate converter.

BiteOpt is also referenced in these research papers:


Use the example.cpp program to see the basic usage example of C++ interface.

The example2.cpp program is a usage example of a simple C-like function biteopt_minimize(). This is a minimization test for Hougen-Watson model for reaction kinetics (non-linear least squares problem).

void biteopt_minimize( const int N, biteopt_func f, void* data,
    const double* lb, const double* ub, double* x, double* minf,
    const int iter, const int M = 1, const int attc = 10 )

N     The number of parameters in an objective function.
f     Objective function.
data  Objective function's data.
lb    Lower bounds of obj function parameters, should not be infinite.
ub    Upper bounds of obj function parameters, should not be infinite.
x     Minimizer.
minf  Minimizer's value.
iter  The number of iterations to perform in a single attempt.
      Corresponds to the number of obj function evaluations that are performed.
M     Depth to use, 1 for plain CBiteOpt algorithm, >1 for CBiteOptDeep
      algorithm. Expected range is [1; 36]. Internally multiplies "iter"
      by sqrt(M).
attc  The number of optimization attempts to perform.

test2.cpp is a convergence test for all available functions. Performs many optimization attempts on all functions. Prints various performance information, including per-function and per-attempt success rates.

test3.cpp is a convergence test for multi-dimensional functions with random axis rotations and offsets.

test4.cpp is a convergence test for multi-dimensional functions without randomization.

constr.cpp, constr2.cpp, and constr3.cpp programs demonstrate the use of constraint penalties.


There are several things that were discovered that may need to be addressed in the future:

  1. Parallelization of BiteOpt algorithm is technically possible, but may be counter-productive (increases convergence time considerably). It is more efficient to run several optimizers in parallel with different random seeds. Specifically saying, it is possible (tested to be working on some code commits before May 15, 2018) to generate series of candidate solutions, evaluate them in parallel, and then update optimizer's state before generating a new batch of candidate solutions. Later commits have changed the algorithm to a form less suitable for such parallelization.

  2. The method uses "short-cuts" which can be considered as "tricks" (criticized in literature) which are non-universal, and reduce convergence time out of proportion for many known test functions. These "short-cuts" are not critically important to method's convergence properties, but they reduce convergence time even for functions that do not have minimum at a point where all arguments are equal. It just often happens that such "short-cuts" provide useful "reference points" to the method. Removing these "short-cuts" will increase average convergence time of the method, but in most cases won't impact method's ability to find a global solution. "Short-cuts" are used only in 4% of objective function evaluations on average.

  3. The method uses LCG pseudo-random number generator due to its efficiency. The method was also tested with a more statistically-correct PRNG and the difference turned out to be negligible.

Method philosophy

BiteOpt is an evolutionary optimization method. Unlike many established optimization methods like CMA-ES where new populations are generated on each iteration, with or without combining with the previous generation, BiteOpt keeps and updates a single main population of solutions at any given time. A new solution either replaces a worst solution or is discarded. In common terms it means that population has some fixed "living space" which is only available to the best fit (least cost) solutions. Structurally, this is similar to a natural evolutionary environment which usually offers only a limited "living space" to its members. Least fit members have little chance to stay in this "living space".

BiteOpt uses several methods to generate new solutions, each method taking various information from various internal populations. These methods are used in a probabilistic manner without any predefined preference.

BiteOptDeep implements evolutionary method which can be seen in society and nature: exchange of solutions between independent populations. Such exchange allows to find better solutions in a teamwork of sufficiently diverse members, it also reduces time (but not human-hours) to find a better solution. This method is a model of Swiss presidency rotation (each independent population represents an independent human).

The author did not originally employ results and reasoning available in papers on Differential Evolution. Author's use of DE operation is based on understanding that it provides an implicit gradient information. A candidate solution is generated as a sum of best solution and a difference between a random and the worst solution. Such difference between a random and the worst solution actually generates a probabilistically correct step towards the minimum of a function, relative to a better solution. Due to this understanding, it is impossible to employ various DE variants in BiteOpt, only the difference between high rank and low rank solutions generates a valuable information; moreover, only a difference multiplied by a factor of 0.5 works in practice.

BiteOpt is more like a stochastic meta-method, it is incorrect to assume it leans towards some specific optimizer class: for example, it won't work acceptably if only DE-based solution generators are used by it. BiteOpt encompasses Differential Evolution, Nelder-Mead, and author's original SpherOpt, "bitmask inversion", and "bit mixing" solution generators. An initial success with the "bitmask inversion" operation (coupled with a stochastic "move" operation it looks quite a lot like a random search) was the main driver for BiteOpt's further development.

Method description

NOTE: as of version 2021.3 this topic is not yet up-to-date.

The algorithm consists of the following elements:

  1. A cost-ordered population of previous solutions is maintained. A solution is an independent parameter vector which is evolved towards a better solution. On every iteration, one of the 4 best solutions is evolved (best selection allows method to be less sensitive to noise). At start, solution vectors are initialized at the center of the search space, using Gaussian sampling.


Probabilities are defined in the range [0; 1] and in many instances in the code were replaced with simple resetting counters for more efficiency. Parameter values are internally normalized to [0; 1] range and, to stay in this range, are wrapped in a special manner before each function evaluation. Algorithm's hyper-parameters (probabilities) were pre-selected and should not be changed. Algorithm uses an alike of state automata to switch between different probability values depending on the candidate solution acceptance. In many instances random solution selection uses square of the random variable: this has an effect of giving more weight to better solutions.

Initially, depending on the ParOptProb probability, an independent, algorithmically different, parallel optimizer is engaged whose solution is evaluated for inclusion into the population.

  1. Depending on the RandProb probability, a single (or all) parameter value randomization is performed using "bitmask inversion" operation (which is approximately equivalent to v=1-v operation in normalized parameter space). Below, i is either equal to rand(1, N) or in the range [1; N], depending on the AllpProb probability. >> is a bit shift-right operation, MantSize is a constant equal to 54, MantSizeSh is a hyper-parameter that limits bit shift operation range. Actual implementation is more complex as it uses average of two such operations.



Plus, with CentProb probability the move around a random previous solution is performed, utilizing a TPDF random value. This operation is performed twice.


With RandProb2 probability an alternative randomization method is used involving the best solution, centroid vector and a random solution.


  1. (Not together with N.2) the "step in the right direction" operation is performed using the random previous solution, chosen best and worst solutions, plus a difference of two other random solutions. This is conceptually similar to Differential Evolution's "mutation" operation. The used worst solution is randomly chosen from 3 worst solutions.


  1. Alternatively, an "entropy bit mixing" method is used to create a candidate solution. This method mixes (XORs) parameter values represented as raw bit strings drawn from an odd number of parameter vectors. Probabilistically, such composition creates a new random parameter vector with an overwhelming number of bits common to better-performing solutions, and a fewer number of bits without certainty.

  2. With ScutProb probability a "short-cut" parameter vector change operation is performed.



  1. After each objective function evaluation, the highest-cost previous solution is replaced using the upper bound cost constraint.


This is a working optimization method called "SigMa Adaptation Evolution Strategy". It has the same programmatic interface as the CBiteOpt class, so it can be easily used in place of CBiteOpt.

SMA-ES is based on the same concept as CMA-ES, but performs vector sigma adaptation. SMA-ES performs covariance matrix update like CMA-ES, but it is a simple linear update using "leaky integrator" averaging filtering, not adaptation. SMA-ES algorithm's operation is based on principles of control signals.

The main difference to CMA-ES is that per-parameter sigmas are updated using these elements:

  1. Sigma auto-adapts due to weighted parameter covariance calculation. Better fit solutions have more influence over expansion or contraction of the sigma.

  2. SMA-ES approximates the "geometry" of the sample distribution. It ranges from "spherical" to "needle" geometry (represented by a continuous spc variable). When geometry is spherical, covariance matrix update filter is tuned to an increased frequency (CovUpdFast instead of CovUpdSlow).

  3. An asymmetry is introduced to the Gaussian sampling function, depending on the centroid step size. Distribution is expanded in the direction of the step and contracted in the opposite direction.

  4. On every update, all per-parameter sigmas are contracted (multiplied) by the SigmaMulBase coefficients, depending on sphericity. Additionally, overly-contracted sigmas are expanded by the SigmaMulExp coefficient.

In overall, SMA-ES is a completely self-adaptive method. It has several hyper-parameters that do not depend on problem's dimensionality.

Population size formula in SMA-ES is fixed to 13+Dims: according to tests, in average it suits all dimensionalities. Of course, particular problems may converge better/faster with a lower or higher population size. The number of objective function evaluations is twice the population size per sample distribution update (best fit solutions enter the population): this aspect is controlled via the EvalFac parameter, which adjusts method's overhead with only a minor effect on convergence property. Method's typical observed complexity is O(N1.6).


This is a "converging hyper-spheroid" optimization method. While it is not as effective as, for example, CMA-ES, it also stands parameter space scaling, offsetting and rotation well. Since version 2021.1 it is used as a companion to BiteOpt, with excellent results.

This method is structurally similar to SMA-ES, but instead of Gaussian sampling, SpherOpt selects random points on a hyper-spheroid (with a bit of added jitter for lower dimensions). This makes the method very computationally-efficient, but at the same time provides immunity to coordinate axis rotations.

This method uses the same self-optimization technique as BiteOpt.


The CNMSeqOpt class implements sequential Nelder-Mead simplex method with the "stall count" tracking. This optimizer is used as an additional parallel optimizer in BiteOpt.


    author = {Aleksey Vaneev},
    title = {{BITEOPT - Derivative-free optimization method}},
    note = {C++ source code, with description and examples},
    year = {2021},
    publisher = {GitHub},
    journal = {GitHub repository},
    howpublished = {Available at \url{}},