Gevent based python server built from scratch for maximum performance

server, superfast, Like, FastApi, or, Flask, but, 10x, faster
pip install blaster-server==0.1.3b0


High performance gevent based python3 server.

Very simplistic API, Best suited for API servers, websocket, realtime games, chat. Generates autoapi docs and packed with a bunch of useful utilities.

schema generator and validation in 200 lines.

Schema generator and validation (inplace)

class Test2(Object):
	a: Array(int)
	b: Int
	c: Str(format="datetime")
	d: Optional[Str(format="datetimez")]
	e: Str(maxlen=9)

	def __init__(self):
		self.a = ["string"]
		self.b = 100
		self.c = "2021-10-08 14:39:56.621851"
		self.e = "somerandomstring"

test2_schema, test2_validator = schema(Test2)

print(json.dumps(test2_schema, indent=4))

obj = Test2()


Let's build few cross platform applications

Example 1: (PasteBin)

  • Create a paste, with some text, restrict to users, password, file upload
import blaster # should be first line, does the gevent monkey patch
from blaster.server import route
from blaster.schema import Object

class CreatePasteRequest(Object):
	title: Str(maxlen=100)
	content: Str
	user_ids: Optional[Array(str)]
	password: Optional[Str(maxlen=100)]
	upload: Optional[Str(format=binary)] #this will actually be a dict {"data": .., "headers": .., "attrs": ...}

class PasteResponse(Object):
	title: Str(maxlen=100)
	content: Str
	created_by: Str
	password: Optional[Str]

@route("/create", methods=POST)
def create(req: CreatePasteRequest) -> PasteResponse:   #give the argument a type and it's available to you, check all available types

See examples in the examples folder

Additional Utilitites:

AWS - send email via SES

AWS - Push tasks ( Defered processing function calls using sqs)

AWS - DynamoDb orm - blaster/aws_utils/dynamix

A 300 line mongoorm that support

  • supports client level sharding using jumphash, but you might never need it.

Apache Ab simple hello world HTML results:

Concurrency Level:      100
Time taken for tests:   0.995 seconds
Complete requests:      10000
Failed requests:        0
Keep-Alive requests:    0
Total transferred:      1330000 bytes
HTML transferred:       370000 bytes
Requests per second:    10050.57 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       9.950 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       0.099 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          1305.40 [Kbytes/sec] received