
A Python package that lets users use 4 different face detectors

pip install bleedfacedetector==1.0.3


Bleed AI Face Detector


A Python package that lets you use 4 different face detectors by just changing a single line of code.


Note: Make sure you have installed Opencv-python and dlib before installing this library. Otherwise you can use below commands to install dlib.

Install Opencv

pip install opencv-python

Install dlib

pip install dlib    
pip install dlib=19.8.1

Install Bleedfacedetector

pip install bleedfacedetector   

To learn about Bleed-AI please visit

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For benchmarks, comparasions between all the methods you can read this excellent blog post (by Vikas Gupta @ learnopencv)


First import the library then choose one of the 4 provided methods of face detection and then pass in a 8 bit BGR image (Image read by opencv) and get the face detections

Here you can see how to use haar cascade based face detection

import bleedfacetector as fd

faces_list = fd.haar_detect(img)

The returned faces_list is a list of faces co-ordinates in this format: [x,y,w,h] Where x,y is the top left corner of the face and w,h are the width and height of the image respectively.

If 3 faces were detected on the example image then you would get back something like this:

[ [x1,y1,w1,h1] [x2,y2,w2,h2] [x3,y3.w3,h3] ]

Here is the syntax to use all 4 face_detectors

import bleedfacedetector as fd

  • fd.haar_detect(img) #Haar cascade/ viola jones based detection
  • fd.hog_detect(img) #hog (histogram of oriented gradients) based detection
  • fd.ssd_detect(img) #SSD + Resnet10 based detection
  • fd.cnn_detect(img) #CNN based detection (Only use this in real time when you are running on a GPU)

NO matter which method you use the returned faces are always in the same format [x,y,w,h]

Face Detection Example on Image

Here is an example code in which you can detect faces using any of the methods , all you have to do is just change one line

import bleedfacedetector as fd
import cv2

img = cv2.imread('family.jpg')

faces = fd.ssd_detect(img)

for (x,y,w,h,) in faces:
    cv2.putText(img,'Face Detected',(x,y+h+15), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0,0,255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)



Results of SSd detection

So just change fd.ssd_detect(img) with any other method , note when you use any method other than ssd then you may consider passing height=400 or any custom height to speed up detection speed at the cost of accuracy.

like this:

  • This is because then it will resize all images to specified height keeping aspect ratio constant , this will increase speed but sometimes good detections require a larger height so you may leave height alone of pass in a larger height.
  • Note the height parameter is not for SSD based method

Result when using hog

Results of HOg detection

Face Detection Example on Video

Results of SSd real time detection

For Real time Detection of faces look at here

Detection with Haar Cascades:

import bleedfacetector as fd

faces_list = fd.haar_detect(img)
faces_list = fd.haar_detect(img,scaleFactor = 1.3, minNeighbors = 5, height=0)

Optional parameters:

  1. height

By default height=0 which means use original height, you can decrease or increase height to change the speed of the alogrithim at the compromise of accuracy.

  1. saleFactor

By default Scalefactor is equal to 1.3, This parameter speicfies how much the size reduces at each image pyramid. A large scale factor will increase the speed of the detector, but wil probably harm true-positive detection accuracy. on the other hand a smaller scale will slow down the detection speed, but will increase true-positive detections. However, this smaller scale will possibly also increase the false-positive detection rate as well

  1. minNeighbors

Defualt value is 5. The minNeighbors parameter controls the minimum number of detected bounding boxes (in this cases 5) in a given area for the region to be classified as a face. This parameter is very helpful in when getting rid of false-positive detections.

Detection with HOG:

import bleedfacetector as fd

faces_list = fd.hog_detect(img)
faces_list = fd.hog_detect(img, upsample=0, height=0)

Optional parameters:

  1. height

By default height=0 which means use original height, you can decrease or increase height to change the speed of the alogrithim at the compromise of accuracy.

  1. upsample

By default upsample is equal to 0, This parameter determines how many pyramids to go up if faces in image are samll then you will have to increase its value and it will cost you speed, but accuracy may increase.

Detection with CNN:

import bleedfacetector as fd

faces_list = fd.cnn_detect(img)
faces_list = fd.cnn_detect(img, upsample=0, height=0)

Warning! don't run this in real time on a CPU, use a GPU for real time using CNN method

Optional parameters:

  1. height

By default height=0 which means use original height, you can decrease or increase height to change the speed of the alogrithim at the compromise of accuracy.

  1. upsample

By default upsample is equal to 0, This parameter determines how many pyramids to go up if faces in image are samll then you will have to increase its value and it will cost you speed, but accuracy may increase.

Detection with SSD:

import bleedfacetector as fd

faces_list = fd.ssd_detect(img)
faces_list = fd.ssd_detect(img, conf=0.5,returnconf=False)

Warning! don't run this in real time on a CPU, use a GPU for real time using CNN method

Optional parameters:

  1. conf

By defualt its set to 0.5, this is the threshold which determines if a given detection is a face or not , decrease it to get more detections or increase it to prune false positives.

  1. returnconf

By default upsample its set to False, if you set this parameter to True then instead of getting [x,y,w,h] you will get [x,y,w,h,c] where c is the confidence.

Example code when returnconf is True:

import bleedfacedetector as fd
import cv2

img = cv2.imread('images/imrankhanface.jpg')

faces = fd.ssd_detect(img,returnconf=True)

for (x,y,w,h,c) in faces:
    cv2.putText(img,'Face Detected {:.2f}%'.format(c*100),(x,y+h+15), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0,0,255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)



Results of SSd detection with returnconf