
visual environment for creating simulation experiments

pip install blockcanvas==4.0.3


This package is no longer maintained, and no current projects should rely on it. If you encounter projects that still depend on enthought/blockcanvas, please open issues against those projects.

blockcanvas: visual environment for creating simulation experiments

The blockcanvas project provides a visual environment for creating simulation experiments, where function and data are separated. Thus, you can define your simulation algorithm by visually connecting function blocks into a data flow network, and then run it with various data sets (known as "contexts"); likewise, you can use the same context in a different functional simulation.

The project provides support for plotting, function searching and inspection, and optimization. It includes a stand-alone application that demonstrates the block-canvas environment, but the same functionality can be incorporated into other applications.

The blockcanvas project relies on included libraries that allow multiple data sets using Numeric arrays to be incorporated in a Traits-based model in a way that is simple, fast, efficient, and consistent.