
LOBSTER Tool for Python3

requirements, traceability
pip install bmw-lobster-tool-python==0.9.12



The Lightweight Open BMW Software Traceability Evidence Report allows you to demonstrate software traceability and requirements coverage, which is essential for meeting standards such as ISO 26262.

This repository contains the prototype for LOBSTER, which is a key ingredient to make TRCL more useful.

It has tools to extract tracing tags from a variety of sources combine them and produce a tracing report. The the TRLC tracing report from the TRLC Project is a reasonable example of what is possible.


All tools can be installed separately from PyPI, but there is a convenient meta-package bmw-lobster which installs everything.

$ pip3 install bmw-lobster

Supported inputs

The following requirements frameworks are supported:

  • TRLC (only some use cases supported right now)
  • Codebeamer (only some use cases supported right now)

The following programming languages are supported:

The following verification and miscellaneous frameworks are supported:


(More to come...)

Installing individual packages

The individual packages that bmw-lobster depends on are:

  • bmw-lobster-core the core API and various report generators. All other tools depend on this.
  • bmw-lobster-tool-cpp (for C/C++ code)
  • bmw-lobster-tool-gtest (for GoogleTest tests)
  • bmw-lobster-tool-python (for Python3 code)
  • bmw-lobster-tool-beamer (for requirements in Codebeamer)
  • bmw-lobster-tool-json (for activities in JSON)
  • miss_hit (for MATLAB/Octave code or Simulink models)

Planned inputs

The following inputs are planned but not implemeted yet:

  • lobster-java: Java code
  • lobster-kotlin: Kotlin code
  • lobster-ada: Ada and SPARK code (via libadalang)
  • lobster-latex: Requirements written in LaTeX
  • lobster-markdown: Requirements written in Markdown

The copyright holder of LOBSTER is the Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (BMW AG), and LOBSTER is published under the GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3.