Machine learning on AWS spot instances

pip install bokchoi==0.3.4



Bokchoi simplifies running Python batch jobs on AWS spot instances. Bokchoi handles requesting spot instances, deploying your code and ensures the spot requests are cancelled when all jobs are finished.

Getting Started


To install bokchoi:

pip install bokchoi


Say you have a project folder with a single python script:


In your project folder create a settings file named bokchoi_settings.json:

└─ bokchoi_settings.json

This file should contain the following:

  "<project_name>": {
    "EntryPoint": "deep_nn.main",
    "Region": "us-east-1",
    "Platform": "EC2",
    "Requirements": [
    "EC2": {
      "InstanceCount": 1,
      "SpotPrice": "0.1",
      "LaunchSpecification": {
        "ImageId": "ami-123456",
        "InstanceType": "c4.large",
        "SubnetId": "subnet-123456"


Deploying your job to AWS is now as simple as running:

bokchoi project_name deploy

Bokchoi will package your project and upload it to S3. You can then use the following command to run your job:

bokchoi project_name run

This will issue a spot request for the number of spot instances specified in the settings file. Every spot instance will download the packaged project from S3 and run the main function. Once the job is complete the instance will shut down. When all instances are finished the spot request will automatically be cancelled.


To undeploy your job, removing all resources from your AWS environment:

bokchoi project_name undeploy

This will terminate any spot instances related to your job, cancel all spot requests and remove the packaged project from S3. Any IAM resources, such as policies, roles and instance profiles will also be removed.


Bokchoi now also supports running python applications on Amazon EMR. To run your app on an EMR cluster use the following settings:

  "<project_name>": {
    "EntryPoint": "",
    "Region": "us-east-1",
    "Platform": "EMR",
    "Requirements": [
    "EMR": {
      "InstanceCount": 2,
      "Version": "emr-5.8.0",
      "SpotPrice": "0.10",
      "LaunchSpecification": {
        "InstanceType": "m1.medium",
        "SubnetId": "subnet-123456",
        "AdditionalSecurityGroups": ["sg-12ab34"]

Google Compute Engine

Google Compute Engine is also supported as a backend for python applications. Simply change the EMR/EC2 part to the following:

The Google auth key can be obtained by creating a service account, which can be created by following this guide:

      "bokchoi-gcp": {
        "EntryPoint": "deep_nn.main",
        "Platform": "GCP",
        "Requirements": [
        "GCP": {
          "ProjectId": "google-project-id",
          "AuthKeyLocation": "auth-key-user.json",
          "Region": "europe-west4",
          "Zone": "europe-west4-b",
          "Bucket": "bokchoi-gcp",
          "Network": "default",
          "SubNetwork": "default",
          "InstanceType": "n1-standard-1",
          "Preemptible": true,
          "DiskSizeGb": 25
parameter required default description
ProjectId yes None Project id within Google Cloud
AuthKeyPath yes None Path to the JSON or P12 auth file
Bucket yes None Unique bucket name for Google Storage
Region no europe-west4 Region where the instance will run
Zone no europe-west4-b Zone where the instance will run
Network no default Fully qualified network name (e.g. projects/project/global/networks/network)
SubNetwork no default Fully qualified sub-network name (e.g. projects/project/regions/region/subnetworks/subnetwork)
InstanceType no n1-standard-1 Machine type
Preemptible no false Whether the app runs on cheaper temporary instances
DiskSizeGb no 100 Size (in GB) of the created disk


Shamelessly inspired by Zappa (