A bootstrap application that takes away the pain of setting up a python application for production and lets you focus on coding instead.
#Sets up environment and installs dependencies $ make env #Activate the environment $ . env/bin/activate #Shows the list of commands available $ make help env create a development environment using virtualenv deps install dependencies clean remove unwanted stuff lint check style with flake8 test run all your tests using nose production run test suite and do a release release package and upload a release sdist package
Note: Make sure to change bootstrapy to your project name before uploading it to Github and PyPi.
Setup Notes
In order to be able to generate PDF and PS files from reStructuredText using LaTeX on Debian-based systems you need to install the following software:
sudo apt-get install wget build-essential python2.5-dev texlive-full
Use webhooks to update docs at Read The Docs whenever you make a commit to your project.
bootstrapy is BSD licensed, so feel free to use it as you like.