
A CLI Client for the Blockpool Blockchain.

pip install bpl-client==0.1.0



A simple CLI client for the Blockpool Blockchain

This is an easy-to-use Python Command Line Interface (CLI) client for interacting with a Blockpool Blockchain. This client provides the majority of the functionality provided by BPL-desktop



  • Delegate registration
  • Transferring BPL
  • Vote for a delegate
  • Status of account
  • List of transactions (in chronological order)
  • Create a new address and public key from a BIP39 mnemonic


  • Sign a message
  • Verify a message


  • Network status
  • Network config new
  • Network config use
  • Showing network config
  • Showing network peers

Command Entity

  • Constructor
  • Run method


  • BPLClientNetworkException
  • BPLClientAccountsException


python -m pip install bpl-client



C:\>bpl-cli -help
BPL Client

  bpl-cli network config setup
  bpl-cli network config show
  bpl-cli network status
  bpl-cli account status <address>
  bpl-cli account transactions <address>
  bpl-cli account send <amount> <recipient>
  bpl-cli account vote <username>
  bpl-cli account delegate <username>
  bpl-cli message sign <message>
  bpl-cli message verify <message> <publicKey>

  -h --help                 Show this screen.
  --version                 Show version.

  For help using this client, please see https://github.com/DuneRoot/bpl-cli

Network config new

To create a new custom network config the command bpl-cli network config new must be used. It should be noted that if the network config has not been selected using network config new or network config use and a different command is used then a BPLClientNetworkException is raised.

C:\>bpl-cli network config new
Enter config identifier: testnet_01
Enter peer address and port:
Enter version: 25
Enter begin epoch: 2017-03-21 13:00:00

Network Config (testnet_01)
 |     Name     |                              Value                               |
 | version      | 25                                                               |
 | peer address |                                                |
 | begin epoch  | 2017-03-21 13:00:00                                              |
 | nethash      | f9b98b78d2012ba8fd75538e3569bbc071ce27f0f93414218bc34bc72bdeb3db |

Network config use

To use or select a default or custom network config the command bpl-cli network config use must be used. It should be noted that if an invalid config identifier is inputted then a BPLClientNetworkException is raised.

C:\>bpl-cli network config use

Config Identifiers
 |  Configs   |
 | testnet1   |
 | testnet    |
 | mainnet    |
 | testnet_01 |

Enter config identifier: mainnet

Network Config (mainnet)
 |     Name     |                              Value                               |
 | version      | 25                                                               |
 | peer address |                                                |
 | begin epoch  | 2017-03-21 13:00:00                                              |
 | nethash      | 7bfb2815effb43592ccdd4fd0f657c082a7b318eed12f6396cc174d8578293c3 |

Transferring BPL

To transfer BPL the command bpl-cli account send <amount> <address> must be used. A prompt for the secret passphrase is then displayed, which masks the input.

C:\>bpl-cli account send 0.1 BFCKaUEkmG8ULYitaharStcdn7ijuDxxpK
Enter secret passphrase:
Confirm (y/n): y
Sending 0.1 BPL to BFCKaUEkmG8ULYitaharStcdn7ijuDxxpK.
Transaction sent successfully with id 295fb4d1c128f6319a2ebfe688dd762c6d15fc1e40ccde92ca531cce25d4ae74.

Listing transactions

To list the transactions of an address, the command bpl-cli account transactions <address> must be used.

C:\>bpl-cli account transactions B8a5sk4SBzWTxURX3sw5iMy7py26QgA4NY

Transactions (Address: B8a5sk4SBzWTxURX3sw5iMy7py26QgA4NY)
 |                          Transaction ID                          |      Timestamp      |               Sender               |             Recipient              |    Amount    |    Fee     | Confirmations |
 | 295fb4d1c128f6319a2ebfe688dd762c6d15fc1e40ccde92ca531cce25d4ae74 | 2018-08-08 09:08:54 | B8a5sk4SBzWTxURX3sw5iMy7py26QgA4NY | BFCKaUEkmG8ULYitaharStcdn7ijuDxxpK | 10000000     | 10000000   | 30            |
 | bfcdc447bacb31cc7b53794bdbafb88d26e0fb03cee1363aba733cd1a2a1b4c7 | 2018-08-07 15:49:22 | B8a5sk4SBzWTxURX3sw5iMy7py26QgA4NY | BFCKaUEkmG8ULYitaharStcdn7ijuDxxpK | 10000000     | 10000000   | 4002          |
 | 73e6d46a070825bbaeb69a7a522446b5f46f563cc1da0f180dfde8ad17e96d96 | 2018-08-07 15:42:47 | B8a5sk4SBzWTxURX3sw5iMy7py26QgA4NY | BFCKaUEkmG8ULYitaharStcdn7ijuDxxpK | 1000000      | 10000000   | 4023          |
 | 4942794d20170637c5c9853bce7ce488bfc56bc2697745bb19ccba81ad224e2a | 2018-08-07 15:39:54 | B8a5sk4SBzWTxURX3sw5iMy7py26QgA4NY | B8a5sk4SBzWTxURX3sw5iMy7py26QgA4NY | 1000000      | 10000000   | 4038          |
 | a52cf29d2d2825ff5a6d7fb6bc4d7d07e0e395908a9d840207d65466b2068d3c | 2018-08-07 12:46:58 | B8a5sk4SBzWTxURX3sw5iMy7py26QgA4NY | N/A                                | 0            | 1000000000 | 4695          |
 | 5530522fc3371f6c3527d138f0eb48a8fe6cf50329440fcfe54991d05e4ebe59 | 2018-08-07 12:21:26 | B8a5sk4SBzWTxURX3sw5iMy7py26QgA4NY | B8a5sk4SBzWTxURX3sw5iMy7py26QgA4NY | 0            | 100000000  | 4801          |
 | 4fdea05eb8c17f00e6f1db0b0b0869e1b7ea428a61760c157f789f6e497c8c05 | 2018-08-07 10:05:33 | B8a5sk4SBzWTxURX3sw5iMy7py26QgA4NY | BFCKaUEkmG8ULYitaharStcdn7ijuDxxpK | 100          | 10000000   | 5301          |
 | ee3270bacf2ada607915b38154618c78174698afcf02680d5f37734bf18bc9e7 | 2018-08-07 10:04:04 | B8a5sk4SBzWTxURX3sw5iMy7py26QgA4NY | BFCKaUEkmG8ULYitaharStcdn7ijuDxxpK | 100          | 10000000   | 5301          |
 | a754cefa329ba2c1966f6346bc69300e7ae55e4c2b8c331765319b19e215e0c2 | 2018-08-06 15:19:36 | BFCKaUEkmG8ULYitaharStcdn7ijuDxxpK | B8a5sk4SBzWTxURX3sw5iMy7py26QgA4NY | 500000000000 | 10000000   | 9641          |

Security or Errors

If you discover a security vulnerability or error within this package, please email me or message me on the BPL discord.
