
Bert's Cheat Notes cli

md, markdown, cheatsheet, notes, snippets
pip install bt-cheater==2.0.0


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bt-cheater is a general-purpose cheatsheet tool powered by python.

The tool provides a way search through snippets of text stored in plain-text files using keywords, and all from the commandline.

The search logic relies on a simple structure for the text: a cheat header and body, e.g.

# python ternary assignments # ternary # variables
    This is a note on python ternary variable assignments
# bash loops # loops
    This is text on bash loop structures
# civil # war # us
    Dates: Apr 12, 1861 - May 9, 1865

As illustrated above, the header is comprised of Cheat Terms, which are keywords delimited by octothorpes (#).

The whitespace padding is optional and improves readability.

Configuration file

cheater can read yaml config files formatted as:

    - ~/Documents/notes
    - ${HOME}/Documents/more_notes
    - ~/notes
    - md
    - txt

These are the settings recognized by the tool:

Key Value
paths List of cheat file paths to search against
filters List of file extensions to search for

If no config file is specified, the tool will attempt to read one from the following locations, in order of precedence:

  • /etc/bt-cheater/config.yaml
  • ./config.yaml
  • ~/.bt-cheater/config.yaml


Usage: cheater find [OPTIONS] TOPICS...

  Find cheat notes according to keywords

  --version                     Show the version and exit.
  -e, --explode-topics          Write results to their own cheat files
  -c, --cheatfile TEXT          Manually specify cheat file(s) to search
  -p, --cheatfile-path TEXT     Manually specify cheat file paths to search
  -a, --any                     Any search term can occur in the topic header
                                (default is "all")
  -b, --search-body             Search against cheat note content instead of
                                topic headers
  --no-pause                    Do not pause between topic output
  --help                        Show this message and exit.

  bt-cheater find -c ~/Documents/ foo bar baz
  bt-cheater find -c ~/Documents/ foo bar baz
  bt-cheater -C my_special_config.yaml find -c ~/Documents/ foo bar baz

  If no config file is specified, the tool will attempt to read one from the
  following locations, in order of precedence:

  - /etc/bt-cheater/config.yaml 
  - ./config.yaml 
  - ~/.bt-cheater/config.yaml

Usage examples

Given: Your config file is configured to search through '~/Documents/notes' for cheat files, that is, your configuration file is ~/.bt-cheater/config.yaml, with contents:

    - ${HOME}/Documents/notes
    - md
    - txt
  • You want to find topic headers containing the words foo bar and baz
    • bt-cheater find foo bar baz
  • You want to search a specific cheat file, ~/Documents/, for topic headers containing the words foo bar and baz
    • bt-cheater find -c ~/Documents/ foo bar baz
  • Same as above, but you also want to specify your own configuration file my_special_config.yaml
    • bt-cheater -C my_special_config.yaml find -c ~/Documents/ foo bar baz
      Note: Because you explicitly specified the cheat file, any cheat paths defined in your config will be skipped


As bodies of text may overlap in their keyword designation, specifying multiple terms can help narrow down search results if you specify a search condition.

As such, the default search logic is all, where all search terms must occur in the topic header (logically equivalent to AND).

If you want to broaden your search criteria, use the -a/--any flag, instructing bt-cheater to consider any search term present in the topic header (logically equivalent to OR).

How do I get started?


Using Pip

  • Form pip install bt-cheater
  • Directly from the repo pip install git+

Or clone this repo, switch to the project root cd bert.cheater, and pip install -e ., then calling python bertdotcheater/ --help