A Python API client for BitTorrent Sync

pip install btsync.py==0.9



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A Python API client for BitTorrent Sync


Install from PyPI:

$ pip install btsync.py

Or Install from source:

$ git clone git@github.com:kevinjqiu/btsync.py.git
$ cd btsync.py
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python setup.py install


You need to first download btsync for your platform. Once it's downloaded, extract it somewhere and generate a sample config file:

$ cd /path/to/btsync
$ ./btsync --dump-sample-config > config

Change the default config if you wish. The pieces of config you need for the client to connect are:

  • host
  • port (listening port)
  • username
  • password

Run btsync with the config:

$ ./btsync --config config

With btsync running, now you can connect to it using this library:

Creating a client:

>>> import btsync
>>> client = btsync.Client(
...     host='',
...     port='1106',
...     username='admin',
...     password='password')

Listing sync folders:

>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(client.sync_folders)
[{u'iswritable': 1,
u'name': u'/home/foo/bar',
u'peers': [{u'direct': 1,
    u'name': u'rpi',
    u'status': u'Synced on 10/08/13 11:21:30'}],
u'readonlysecret': u'--------------------------------',
u'secret': u'--------------------------------',
u'size': u'353.9 MB in 256 files'},
{u'iswritable': 1,
u'name': u'/tmp',
u'peers': [],
u'readonlysecret': u'--------------------------------',
u'secret': u'--------------------------------',
u'size': u'56.9 kB in 14 files'}]

Generate a secret for adding a sync folder:

>>> secret = client.generate_secret()
>>> pprint.pprint(secret)
{u'rosecret': u'--------------------------------',
u'secret': u'--------------------------------'}

Add a sync folder:

>>> client.add_sync_folder('/tmp', secret['rosecret'])
>>> pprint.pprint(client.sync_folders[1])
{u'iswritable': 0,
u'name': u'/tmp',
u'peers': [],
u'secret': u'--------------------------------',
u'size': u'0 B in 0 files'}


First, you need to setup a virtualenv, as it segregates local dependencies from the system libraries nicely:

$ virtualenv btsync.py-env

Activate the virtual environment:

$ cd btsync.py-env
$ . btsync.py-env/bin/activate

Clone this repo somewhere, e.g., $HOME/src/btsync.py:

$ git clone git@github.com:kevinjqiu/btsync.py.git
$ cd btsync.py

Install dev dependencies:

$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Run tests:

$ fab test

You can also generate the coverage report:

$ fab coverage

To run integration tests, you need to have btsync executable on your $PATH:

$ fab test_integration

Optionally, you can set an environment variable BTSYNC before running the test:

$ BTSYNC=$HOME/btsync/btsync fab test_integration

To run coverage for integration tests:

$ fab coverage:integration

You can also change the port the btsync instance for integration test runs on (the default port is 59999):

$ BTSYNC_PORT=55555 fab test_integration
