
Helper class for processing large bzip2 compressed text files efficiently without high memory usage.

pip install bz2_rl==2.0.0



PyPI version

Helper class for processing large bzip2 compressed text files efficiently without high memory usage.

I originally wrote this class to help me run through a large SQL dump which was over 90 MB uncompressed. This class basically just wraps the streaming bzip2 decompressor from the standard library in an iterator, making it very easy to run through the lines of a compressed file without actually loading the file into memory.

This is specifically built for text files.

Tested with Python 3.5, but should work for all Python 3 versions.


Install using pip, e.g.

$ pip install bz2_rl

Or add it as dependency to your own project's


Usage is very simple: make an instance with at least the path to the file as argument, then iterate over it. For example:

from bz2_rl import BZ2FileIter
sql_lines = BZ2FileIter('exports/database.sql')
for line in sql_lines:
    # ...

The following arguments are supported:

  • encoding - specifies encoding of the compressed text (default: utf-8)
  • read_size - amount of bytes to read per iteration (default: 512)
  • linebreak - turns off linebreak auto-detection and forces a specific type (default: None)

Linebreaks are auto-detected and converted to the system default.

The file is closed automatically after the last line. If you don't need to use the file anymore, simply delete the BZ2FileIter instance to close the file.


I'm always glad to accept pull requests or to look at issues or questions.


Run ./ test to run the unit tests.


MIT licensed.