
Quickstart tool for installing and managing Cassandra in development environments

pip install cassandra-quickstart==0.1.2


Cassandra Quickstart

This tool downloads Cassandra, Java, ccm, and drivers into your home directory (~/.cassandra-quickstart) and starts a single node Cassandra cluster. This is meant to be useful for prototyping and development tasks, not for production.

The idea is to have a one-liner to install everything you need to use Cassandra on Linux, Mac OSX, or Windows. The only requirement is that you have Python installed (2.7 tested) which every Linux and Mac system should have pre-installed. In the future I plan to distribute an .exe for Windows that bundles all the requirements.

Ubuntu / Debian:

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools

sudo easy_install cassandra-quickstart

cassandra-quickstart install


sudo python -m easy_install -U setuptools

sudo python -m easy_install cassandra-quickstart

cassandra-quickstart install


Windows compatibility is broken in this 0.1 release.

Cassandra Version

By default, cassandra-quickstart will install the latest stable version of cassandra. If you wish, you can install a different version by passing the -v parameter. For example:

cassandra-quickstart install -v binary:2.1.0-rc4


usage: cassandra-quickstart [-h] [--config CONFIG_DIRECTORY] [--name CLUSTER_NAME]
       {install,destroy,start,stop,cqlsh,nodetool,status,help} ...

Cassandra Quickstart

positional arguments:
    install             Install Cassandra
    destroy             Remove Cassandra
    start               Start Cassandra
    stop                Stop Cassandra
    cqlsh               Cassandra Shell
    nodetool            Cassandra node management tool (ex: nodetool ring)
    status              Print status of cluster

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Configuration directory (default is ~/.cassandra-
  --name CLUSTER_NAME   Name of the cluster to operate on (default is