
A simple raw SQL Python ORM

sql, orm, raw-sql, python
pip install catersequel==0.3.1


Catersequel Catersequel


Catersequel is a simple API that provide helpers to manage raw SQL.

What Catersequel can do?

Catersequel allows you to write raw SQL and forget about cursors and his data structures (tuples or dicts). Also allows you to write your query by pieces, making the whole thing more readable.

Let's see a few examples!

Fetching results made simple

from catersequel import Catersequel
from catersequel.engines.postgres import PostgreSQLEngine

cater = Catersequel(PostgreSQLEngine(dsn="YOUR-DATABASE-DSN"))
rows = cater.fetchall("SELECT name, surname FROM test")  # That command returns a RowResult you can iterate
for row in row:
    print(  # You can access to the data with dot notation.
    print(row['name'])  # Also as a dict-like object.

Querying with arguments. No more pain.

from catersequel import Catersequel
from catersequel.engines.postgres import PostgreSQLEngine

cater = Catersequel(PostgreSQLEngine(dsn="YOUR-DATABASE-DSN"))
row = cater.fetchone("SELECT name, surname FROM test WHERE name = %s", ("John", ))
print(  # Jhon
print(row.surname)  # Smith

row = cater.fetchone("SELECT name, surname FROM test WHERE name = %(name)s", {'name': 'John'})
print(  # Jhon
print(row.surname)  # Smith

row = cater.fetchone("SELECT name, surname FROM test WHERE name = %(name)s", name='John')
print(  # Jhon
print(row.surname)  # Smith

Querying piece by piece

from catersequel import Catersequel
from catersequel.engines.postgres import PostgreSQLEngine

cater = Catersequel(PostgreSQLEngine(dsn="YOUR-DATABASE-DSN"))
query = cater.query("SELECT * FROM test")
query.append("WHERE name = %(name)s", name="John")
row = cater.fetchone(query)  # John
row.surname  # Smith

Execute all the things.

from catersequel import Catersequel
from catersequel.engines.postgres import PostgreSQLEngine

cater = Catersequel(PostgreSQLEngine(dsn="YOUR-DATABASE-DSN"))
query = cater.query("INSERT INTO test (name, surname) VALUES")
query.append("(%(name)s, %(surname)s)", name="Thomas", surname="Anderson")

result = cater.execute(query)
print(result.lastrowid)  # Last Row ID of the last query if the engine supports it.
print(result.rowcount)  # How many rows retrieve the last query. It the engine supports it.
print(result.rownumber)  # Number of rows affected by the last query. If engine supports it.


from catersequel import Catersequel
from catersequel.engines.postgres import PostgreSQLEngine

cater = Catersequel(PostgreSQLEngine(dsn="YOUR-DATABASE-DSN"))
query = cater.query("INSERT INTO test (name, surname) VALUES")
query.append("(%(name)s, %(surname)s)", name="Carrie-Anne, surname="Moss")

result = cater.execute(query)
print(result.lastrowid)  # Last Row ID of the last query if the engine supports it.
print(result.rowcount)  # How many rows retrieve the last query. It the engine supports it.
print(result.rownumber)  # Number of rows affected by the last query. If engine supports it.


Transactions as context manager

from catersequel import Catersequel
from catersequel.engines.postgres import PostgreSQLEngine

def callback_on_exception(_cater, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
    print(exc_type)  # <class 'psycopg2.ProgrammingError'>

cater = Catersequel(PostgreSQLEngine(dsn="YOUR-DATABASE-DSN"))

with cater.transaction(rollback_on_exc=True, callback_exc=callback_on_exception):
    cater.execute("INSERT INTO test (name, surname) VALUES %s, %s", ("Laurence", "Fishburne"))

row = cater.fetchone("SELECT * FROM test WHERE name=%s AND surname=%s", ("Laurance", "Fishburne"))
print(row)  # None, Catersequel has perfomed a rollback due a exception.

Collaborators Wanted!

If you have an idea you want to help me with Catersequel, cone the repo and make me a pull request!

Made with <3 in somewhere!