
Python library for SoloKeys.

pip install ccid==0.0.1


CCID library and tool

Getting Started

We require Python >= 3.6 and corresponding pip3 command.

We intend to support Linux, Windows and macOS. The requirement pyusb depends on libusb, which is likely pre-installed on Linux systems. On Windows, you may need to install a driver.

To get started, run pip3 install ccid, this installs both the ccid library and the ccid command-line interface.

For development, we suggest you run make init instead, which

  • sets up a virtual environment
  • installs development requirements such as black
  • installs ccid as symlink using our packaging tool flit, including all runtime dependencies listed in pyproject.toml

One way to ensure the virtual environment is active is to use direnv.


For help, run ccid --help after installation. The tool has a hierarchy of commands and subcommands.


ccid version  # outputs version of installed `ccid` library and tool

Library Usage

Work in progress, example usage:

import ccid


Comprehensive documentation coming, for now these are the main components

  • ccid.reader: connect to and interface with CCID devices
  • ccid.cli: implementation of the ccid command-line interface


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

Code is to be formatted and linted according to Black and our Flake8 configuration Run make check to test compliance, run make fix to apply some automatic fixes.

We keep a CHANGELOG.