
Scripts for working with JSON compilation databases for clang etc.

pip install ccjtools==0.1.0



Scripts for working with JSON compilation databases fro clang etc.

I need to produce and convert compilation databases for different projects and different toolchains. This repo has sscripts to help with that.

There are currently three commands:

  • ccj-make - Produce a JSON format compilation database from a text build log
  • ccj-xform-ap - Sanitize ArduPilot compilation database and move it to current directory
  • ccj-xform-px4 - Sanitize PX4 compilation database and move it to current directory

ccj-make is useful when you've captured make commands in a text file and need to produce a compilation database. For each line of text that your make produced, if it looks like a compile command, ccj-make creates a single record with three fields: directory, command and file.

The directory member is the same for each record. It comes from the -p command line option, or from $PWD.

The command comes from looking for lines whose first word appears to be a compiler. The -c command line option specifies an exact match string if needed. Otherwise, the program guesses.

The file is assumed to be the last word on the line that was identified as a command.

Heuristics are naive, and presumably will evolve to be more sophisticated, and also to be governable via user options

At the end of the run, the compilation database is produced by emitting all the records to the file compile_commands.json, or a name that you provide via the -o command line switch.

An existing json file can be provided via the -e command line option. It is used to prepopulate the internal list of records. (Should add the ability to preserve existing entries or modify them. Currently it only modifies them.)

This program is not cautious about overwriting the existing compile_commands.json.

The other two programs transform a compile_commands.json taken from a PX4 or ArduPilot build, by making it appear as if the build was performed in the root, minimizing the significance of the build/<config> directory. This makes tools such as CCLS, Rtags and LSP work more smoothly.

Usage and Examples


The ccjtools repo has a file tests/mcux_build.log that you can turn into a compilation database by doing:

$ ccj-make mcux_build.log -r gcc


From the top of a PX4 dir, after it's been built:

$ ccj-xform-px4 -f build/px4_fmu-v5_multicopter/compile_commands.json

will produce ./compile_commands.json, which can be used by the Rtags command for instance:

$ rc --project-root=$PWD -J .


Similarly for an Ardupilot build, from the root of your Ardupilot clone after it's been built:

$ ccj-xform-ap -f build/CubeBlack/compile_commands.json



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details