
A monitor for celery queues that reports to AWS CloudWatch

celery, cloudwatch, monitor, stats
pip install celery-cloudwatch==1.0.0a


#Celery CloudWatch

Monitor your celery application from within AWS CloudWatch!


The following events are tallied per task:

  • CeleryEventSent
  • CeleryEventStarted
  • CeleryEventSucceeded
  • CeleryEventFailed

You can then see how many tasks/day, tasks/week etc are being completed.

Also, we record the total waiting/running per task:

  • CeleryNumWaiting
  • CeleryNumRunning

Also, statistics on task duration are sent in the metrics:

  • CeleryWaitingTime
  • CeleryProcessingTime

These metrics are sent with all supported stats (No. Events, Sum, Max, Min), allowing you to gain insight into your task processing and match requests and capacity.

#Getting Started

  1. Set up an IAM Role for your instance.

    It must include a policy to perform 'PutMetricData', eg:

      "Version": "2000-01-01",
      "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": [
          "Resource": [

    (Note: Alternatively, you can set up a User with the same policy and provide access details that way)

  2. Install via python-pip (and upgrade pip & boto)

    sudo apt-get install -y python-pip
    sudo pip install --upgrade pip boto
    # Install directly
    sudo pip install celery-cloudwatch
    # OR, install in a virtualenv
    sudo apt-get install -y python-virtualenv
    mkdir /var/python-envs
    virtualenv /var/python-envs/ccwatch
    source /var/python-envs/ccwatch/bin/activate
    pip install celery-cloudwatch
  3. Create your own boto.cfg at /etc/boto.cfg-

    # if not using an IAM Role - provide aws key/secret
    aws_access_key_id = xxx
    aws_secret_access_key = yyy
    cloudwatch_region_name = my-region
    cloudwatch_region_endpoint = monitoring.my-region.amazonaws.com
  4. Create your own config file in /etc/ccwatch.yaml

      broker: null
      camera: celery_cloudwatch.CloudWatchCamera
      verbose: no
      frequency: 60.0
      verbose: no
      dryrun: no
      namespace: celery
        - myapp.mytasks.taskname
        - myapp.mytasks.anothertask
        - myapp.mytasks.thirdtask
        - name: myapp.secondarytasks
            task: myapp.secondarytasks
            customDim: value
        - name: myapp.tertiarytasks
            task: myapp.tertiarytasks
            customDim: value
  5. Install upstart

    Create a file /etc/init/celery-cloudwatch.conf-

    description "Celery CloudWatch"
    author "nathan muir <ndmuir@gmail.com>"
    setuid nobody
    setgid nogroup
    start on runlevel [234]
    stop on runlevel [0156]
    exec /var/python-envs/ccwatch/bin/ccwatch


    sudo initctl reload-configuration
    sudo service celery-cloudwatch start
  6. Start Celery your celery workers with the -E (or CELERY_SEND_EVENTS=1 and CELERY_TRACK_STARTED=1) options, and, start celery clients with CELERY_SEND_TASK_SENT_EVENT=1

  7. All done! head over to your CloudWatch monitoring page to see the results!