
HTTP endpoint for CGMiner RPC conforming interfaces

cgminer, sgminer, mining, api, http, monitor
pip install cgminerhttpinterface==0.1.3


CGMiner HTTP Interface

A basic HTTP endpoint to any API conforming to the CGMiner RPC interface.


From pip:

$ pip install cgminerhttpinterface


Most people will just want to run the server, which means a simple command in your shell / command prompt:

$ chi-server

This will start an HTTP server reachable on all interfaces on port 8080, which will re-issue incoming requests to localhost:4028 (the default host:port for the CGMiner RPC API.) This server can be started at any time, but will of course only be useful once the CGMiner API has been started.


usage: chi-server [-h] [-w HTTP_PORT] [-p API_PORT] [-a API_HOST]

Start HTTP interface to the monitoring API

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w HTTP_PORT, --http_port HTTP_PORT
                        Port to use for http server
  -p API_PORT, --api_port API_PORT
                        Port used by API server
  -a API_HOST, --api_host API_HOST
                        Host name/address used by API server

Using the HTTP Interface

URL structure is http://<host>[:port]/<command>[+command...]/[parameter]. For example:

  • http://localhost/summary+pools/ : combined summary and pools report on the default port
  • http://localhost:8081/gpu/0 : single gpu status on port 8081 (as defined in the command line)

Visiting the server root (e.g. http://localhost/) will issue the compound 'summary+devs' command.

At this point in time, the HTTP endpoint will simply serve the response of the API as is - meaning a JSON formatted data structure containing sections for each command issued. All commands available via the CGMiner API are also available via the HTTP endpoint - in fact the HTTP endpoint performs no command validation at all, relying on the API to validate requests and respond appropriately.