
Chaos Toolkit Extension for Docker Swarm

pip install chaostoolkit-docker-swarm==0.2.0


Chaos Toolkit extension for Docker Swarm

This is a Chaos Toolkit extension package with probes and actions for Docker Swarm. Its main motivation is that in a multinode Swarm cluster, Docker provides no method to act on containers on remote nodes, e.g. to kill it. Thus, in order to harass a random container in a service, you would have to log in to a Swarm node and perform the command there.

This extension solves this shortcoming by launching a global-mode helper service in your swarm which mounts the Docker socket on all nodes and thus allows you to perform specific commands on any node. For more information, see chaostoolkit-docker-swarm-helper.


This package requires Python 3.5+

To be used from your experiment, this package must be installed in the Python environment where chaostoolkit already lives. A fresh setup may look like this:

virtualenv chaosenv -p /usr/bin/python3
. ./chaosenv/bin/activate
pip install chaostoolkit chaostoolkit-docker-swarm


version: 1.0.0
title: Redis Docker service should survive container death
description: Docker Swarm should recreate the Redis container
  title: Redis service with running container exists
    - name: Redis container must exist
      type: probe
      tolerance: 1
        type: python
        module: chaosswarm.probes
        func: running_tasks
          service: redis
  - name: Kill a Redis task
    type: action
      type: python
      module: chaosswarm.actions
      func: kill_task
        service: redis
      after: 7
docker service create --name redis redis:latest
chaos run ./swarm-experiment.yaml
[2020-01-27 20:34:51 INFO] Validating the experiment's syntax
[2020-01-27 20:34:51 INFO] Experiment looks valid
[2020-01-27 20:34:51 INFO] Running experiment: Redis Docker service should survive container death
[2020-01-27 20:34:51 INFO] Steady state hypothesis: Redis service with running container exists
[2020-01-27 20:34:51 INFO] Probe: Redis container must exist
[2020-01-27 20:34:51 INFO] Steady state hypothesis is met!
[2020-01-27 20:34:51 INFO] Action: Kill a Redis task
[2020-01-27 20:34:51 INFO] Pausing after activity for 5s...
[2020-01-27 20:34:56 INFO] Steady state hypothesis: Redis service with running container exists
[2020-01-27 20:34:56 INFO] Probe: Redis container must exist
[2020-01-27 20:34:56 INFO] Steady state hypothesis is met!
[2020-01-27 20:34:56 INFO] Let's rollback...
[2020-01-27 20:34:56 INFO] No declared rollbacks, let's move on.
[2020-01-27 20:34:56 INFO] Experiment ended with status: completed


This extension assumes your environment is set up for Docker access, e.g. using Docker environment variables.


To run the tests for the project execute the following:

python3 test

There are integration tests which assume you have a Docker Swarm cluster available. You can promote your local dev Docker to a 1-node Swarm cluster with:

docker swarm init


If you wish to contribute more functions to this package, you are more than welcome to do so. Please, fork this project, make your changes following the usual PEP 8 code style, sprinkling with tests and submit a PR for review.