Choice, a Python dialog library
choice is a quick little library for getting user input in Python in a dialog-like fashion. Here's a little example:
import choice
# Get a yes or no response (default is no)
confirm = choice.Binary('Are you sure you want to delete?', False).ask()
if confirm:
# Input an arbitrary value, check for correctness
howmany = choice.Input('How many pies?', int).ask()
print("You ordered {} pies".format(howmany))
# Choose from a set of options
entree = choice.Menu(['steak', 'potatoes', 'eggplant']).ask()
choice automatically displays the best UI available to the user: basic text console, curses, or GUI windows. (curses and GUI are in development!)
Requirements and Installation
For basic functionality:
- Python 2.7 or 3
To install, just run:
pip install choice
API docs are coming soon. More in-depth documentation can be found on Github: