python api to access data from

pip install cityair-api==0.2.17



python package for getting data in the format of Pandas DataFrames for further processing. enjoy and feel free to leave a feedback at


You can install the latest version with:

$ pip install cityair-api -U


first you need to init the CityAirRequest object passing your login and password:

from cityair_api import CityAirRequest
CITYAIR_TOKEN = "0695b654-b9cf-47c8-a21e-ab9dc2d95fd3"
r = CityAirRequest(CITYAIR_TOKEN)

if CITYAIR_TOKEN is not passed, r will try to get it from environmental variables, then it will prompt for token

you could get CITYAIR_TOKEN from your personal page at or you could look up for it in the web-browser dev tools while you're logging in

Getting data from stations

We highly recommend to use stations API. First you may want to get the stations list available to you:

stations = r.get_stations()

then you can get the data collected by the stations. Important arguments are:

  • start_date, finish_date - may be in datetime or string formats. if not passed - the last packets are fetched if quantity of packets_count
  • period is time resolution and may be 5 mins, 20 min, 1 hour or day - you should pass Period.ENUM
df = r.get_station_data(stations[0], Period.HOUR)

Getting data directly from devices

Using this API you get raw data directly from measuring devices. This API is rather slow dealing with large datasets, so be prepeared :)

The main steps are the same as with stations API:

serial_numbers = r.get_devices()

afterwards get dataset:

df = r.get_device_data(serial_numbers[0])


  • tests
    • required fields with (all_cols=True/False)
    • getting data with different settings
    • get_data with different start/finish - unaware, None, str
  • refactor
    • move settings to separate file
    • refactor useless_cols mess