
Package used for cleaning, restructuring, logging, and plotting of financial data retrieved from the Twelve Data API.

twelvedata, API, restructuring, cleaning, plotting, financial, data
pip install claydates==1.0.1


The claydates Package

Table of Contents


pip install claydates


The claydates package serves to clean and restructure financial data retrieved from the Twelve Data API. Secondarily, it allows for the user to nicely plot time series data using numerous cleaning and restructuring methodologies. Additionally, it provides the user with the option to store information on data quality during usage, which may later provide insight into changes in data quality over time for certain tickers.

The program is comprised of 4 main classes:

    1.  SingleTickerProcessor
            - Used for gathering and cleaning time series data. 
            - Determines where there might be any missing dates coming in from the API call.
            - Also can be used for logging the quality of data received from the API call to a CSV file, to be reviewed at a later date.
            - Also used to iteratively construct one or more time series objects of the SingleTickerProcessor class.
            - It is the parent class of the SingleTickerPlotter class, which is the parent of the multiTickerPlotter class.
    2.  SingleTickerPlotter
            - Used for plotting time series data. 
            - Also can be used for logging the quality of data received from the API call to a csv file, to be reviewed at a later date.
            - It is also used to iteratively construct one or more time series objects of the SingleTickerPlotter class.
            - It is the child class of SingleTickerProcessor, and the parent class of multiTickerPlotter.
    3.  MultiTickerProcessor
            - Used for gathering and processing time series data for one or more ticker symbols. 
            - Creates a list of SingleTickerProcessor class objects, and then organizes data in accordance with the various arguments passed or not-passed to methods belonging to the SingleTickerProcessor class.
            - Also can be used for logging the quality of data received from the API call to a CSV file, to be reviewed at a later date.
            - It is the parent class of MultiTickerPlotter.
    4.  MultiTickerPlotter
            - Used for gathering and processing time series data for one or more ticker symbols. 
            - Creates a list of SingleTickerPlotter class objects, and then organizes data in accordance with the various arguments passed or not passed to the various methods belonging to the SingleTickerPlotter class.
            - Also can be used for logging the quality of data received from the API call to a CSV file, to be reviewed at a later date.
            - It is the child class of MultiTickerProcessor and SingleTickerPlotter.

Directory Tree

                                β”‚   requirements.txt
                                β”‚   LICENSE
                                β”‚   .gitignore
                                β”‚   β”‚
                                β”‚   β”‚
                                β”‚   └───processors
                                β”‚   β”‚
                                β”‚   β”‚
                                β”‚   β”‚
                                β”‚   β”‚
                                β”‚   └───plotters
                                β”‚   β”‚
                                β”‚   β”‚
                                β”‚   β”‚
                                β”‚   β”‚
                                β”‚   └───datasets
                                β”‚   β”‚       currencyPairs.txt
                                β”‚   β”‚       exampleSet.csv
                                β”‚   β”‚       key.txt
                                β”‚   β”‚       missingDataLog.csv
                                β”‚   β”‚
                                β”‚   └───examples

Quick-Usage Examples

For additional descriptions of arguments and methods, refer to the examples folder, which further details each quick-usage example outlined here.


1.) from claydates import SingleTickerProcessor

    1a.) singleTickerProcessor = SingleTickerProcessor('QQQ', '1min', 1170)
    1b.) singleTickerPlotter = SingleTickerPlotter(tickerSymbol = 'QQQ', tickInterval = '1min', numberOfUnits = 1170,
                                          percentageChange = True, timeZone = 'America/New_York', quoteCurrency = 'USD',
                                          logMissingData = True, mockResponse = False, spacingFactor = 14, 
                                          seriesType = 'Close', scalerRange = (0,1), binningFactor = 10
                                          figureSize = [14.275,9.525], labelsize = 16, color = 'black')
2.) from claydates import SingleTickerProcessor

    2a.) singleTickerPlotter.datetimeHandler('missingDataIncludedInFrame') 
    2b.) singleTickerPlotter.datetimeHandler('missingPercentage') 
    2c.) singleTickerPlotter.datetimeHandler('lagTime') 
3.) from claydates import SingleTickerProcessor

    3a.) singleTickerProcessor.unalteredFrameGetter()


1.) from claydates import MultiTickerProcessor
    1a.) multiTickerProcessor = MultiTickerProcessor(['QQQ','SPY','IWM','DIA'], '1min', 390)
    1b.) multiTickerProcessor = MultiTickerProcessor(tickerSymbols = ['QQQ','SPY','IWM','DIA'], tickInterval = '1min', numberOfUnits = 1170,
                                                     percentageChange = True, timeZone = 'America/New_York', quoteCurrency = 'USD',
                                                     logMissingData = True, mockResponse = False)
2.) from claydates import MultiTickerProcessor

    2a.) multiTickerProcessor.dateMatcher(dropMissing = True)
3.) from claydates import MultiTickerProcessor

    3a.) multiTickerProcessor.unalteredFrames(dataType = 'pandas')
4.) from claydates import MultiTickerProcessor

    4a.) multiTickerProcessor.missingUnitsIncluded(dataType = 'pandas', interpolationMethod = None, matchDates = False)
5.) from claydates import MultiTickerProcessor

    5a.) multiTickerProcessor.missingUnitsExcluded(dataType = 'pandas', matchDates = True)
6.) from claydates import MultiTickerProcessor

    6a.) multiTickerProcessor.missingPercentages(onlyPrint = True)


1.) from claydates import SingleTickerPlotter

    1a.) singleTickerPlotter = SingleTickerPlotter('QQQ', '1min', 1170)
    1b.) singleTickerPlotter = SingleTickerPlotter(tickerSymbol = 'QQQ', tickInterval = '1min', numberOfUnits = 1170,
                                                   percentageChange = True, timeZone = 'America/New_York', quoteCurrency = 'USD',
                                                   logMissingData = True, mockResponse = False, spacingFactor = 14, 
                                                   seriesType = 'Close', scalerRange = (0,1), binningFactor = 10,
                                                   figureSize = [14.275,9.525], labelsize = 16, color = 'black')
2.) from claydates import SingleTickerPlotter

    2a.) singleTickerPlotter.datetimeHandler('missingDataIncludedInFrame') 
    2b.) singleTickerPlotter.datetimeHandler('missingDataIncludedInFrame') 
    2c.) singleTickerPlotter.datetimeHandler('missingDataIncludedInFrame') 
3.) from claydates import SingleTickerPlotter

    3a.) singleTickerPlotter.unalteredFrameGetter()
4.) from claydates import SingleTickerPlotter

    4a.) singleTickerPlotter.standardSinglePlot()
5.) from claydates import SingleTickerPlotter

    5a.) singleTickerPlotter.missingDataPlot()
6.) from claydates import SingleTickerPlotter

    6a.) singleTickerPlotter.interpolatedSinglePlot(methodology = 'linear')
    6b.) singleTickerPlotter.interpolatedSinglePlot(methodology = 'cubic')

7.) from claydates import SingleTickerPlotter

    7a.) singleTickerPlotter.profileProcessor(numberOfBins = 10, methodology = 'count', interpolation = 'linear')

8.) from claydates import SingleTickerPlotter

    8a.) singleTickerPlotter.singleProfilePlot(seriesType = 'standard', binningType = 'standard', methodology = 'price',
                                      numberOfBins = None, scaledX = True, scaledY = False, interpolation = None)
9.) from claydates import SingleTickerPlotter

    9a.) singleTickerPlotter.externalWindowSinglePlot()
10.) from claydates import SingleTickerPlotter

    10a.) singleTickerPlotter.liveSinglePlot(numberOfUpdates = 14400, interactiveExternalWindow = False, secondsToSleep = 55)


1.) from claydates import MultiTickerPlotter
    1a.) multiTickerPlotter = MultiTickerPlotter(['QQQ','SPY','IWM','DIA'], '1min', 390)
    1b.) multiTickerPlotter = MultiTickerPlotter(tickerSymbols = ['QQQ','SPY','IWM','DIA'], tickInterval = '1min', numberOfUnits = 1170,
                                                 percentageChange = True, timeZone = 'America/New_York', quoteCurrency = 'USD',
                                                 logMissingData = True, mockResponse = False, spacingFactor = 14, 
                                                 seriesType = 'Close', scalerRange = (0,1), binningFactor = 10,
                                                 figureSize = [14.275,9.525], labelsize = 16, color = 'black')
2.) from claydates import MultiTickerPlotter

    2a.) multiTickerPlotter.standardMultiPlot(method = multiTickerPlotter.missingUnitsExcluded, matchDates = True, interpolationMethod = None,
                                              interactiveExternalWindow = False, scaled = True, plotTitle = 'Example Plot')
3.) from claydates import MultiTickerPlotter

    3a.) multiTickerPlotter.cyclePlot(method = multiTickerPlotter.missingUnitsExcluded, matchDates = True, interpolationMethod = None, 
                                      interactiveExternalWindow = False, scaled = True, secondsToPauseFor = 15)

4.) from claydates import MultiTickerPlotter

    4a.) multiTickerPlotter.profileCyclerPlot('standard','standard', methodology = 'price', numberOfBins = None,
                                               scaledX = True, scaledY = True, interpolation = None)
5.) from claydates import MultiTickerPlotter

    5a.) multiTickerPlotter.multipleExternalWindowsPlot(method = multiTickerPlotter.missingUnitsExcluded, matchDates = True, interpolationMethod = None,
                                                        interactiveExternalWindow = False, scaled = True)

6.) from claydates import MultiTickerPlotter

    6a.) multiTickerPlotter.liveMultiPlot(method = multiTickerPlotter.missingUnitsExcluded, matchDates = True, interpolationMethod = None,
                                          interactiveExternalWindow = False, scaled = True, numberOfUpdates = 14400, secondsToSleepFor = 55)


version 1.0.6.

version 1.0.5.

version 1.0.4.

version 1.0.3.

version 1.0.2.

version 1.0.1.

version 1.0.0.
