Cleep-cli helps developers to build great Cleep applications from command line.

pip install cleepcli==1.38.2



This utility helps developers to build Cleep applications providing some useful commands:

  • Core commands:
    • coreget to clone or pull official Cleep repository.
    • coredocs to generate core documentation in HTML format.
    • coresync to synchronize sources from repository to execution folders.
    • coretests to perform core tests suite.
    • coretestscov to display last core tests code coverage report.
    • cpuprof to run CPU profiler on application execution instance.
    • memprof to run memory profiler on application execution instance.
    • reset clear existing installed Cleep files and install it again.
  • Module commands:
    • modcreate to create module (aka application) skeleton.
    • moddelete to delete installed files of a module.
    • moddocs to generate module documentation.
    • modsync to synchronize sources from module folder to execution folders.
    • modtests to execute module tests.
    • modtestscov to display last module tests code coverage report.
    • modbuild to create application package (.zip)
    • modcheckback to check app backend (python files structure and content)
    • modcheckfront to check app frontend (js files and desc.json)
    • modchecktests to check app tests files
    • modcheckscripts to check app scripts files
    • modcheckcode to check backend code quality (run pylint)
  • Watch commands:
    • watch to watch for repository filesystem changes and automatically update files on execution folders. It also restart backend or/and frontend according to changes.
  • Misc commands:
    • version to get cleep-cli version


Cleep-cli is automatically installed and managed by Cleep developer application.

If you want to install it manually, execute following command:

pip install cleepcli


This cli is written in Python and is supposed to be used only on Raspbian platform for Cleep application development because it has harcoded paths.


Execute this command to get help on this cli:

cleep-cli --help

Watch usage

Launch watch cli command to monitor changes on "/root/cleep-dev" directory after getting official Cleep repository using coreget command.

Then open your favorite editor on your development computer, configure a remote sync plugin to push local changes on your raspberry pi then cleep-cli will synchronize sources on Cleep execution environment and restart application automatically.


The cli clone repository on /root/cleep-dev folder. Modules are in /root/cleep-dev/modules folder. So if you develop on Cleep core, your editor must sync to /root/cleep-dev remote directory while if you're developping only on a module your editor must sync to /root/cleep-dev/modules/<your module name> remote directory.

Visual studio code

Install Visual studio code sftp plugin and configure it to access your raspberry pi:

  • Open VSCode command palette pressing CTRL-SHIFT-P
  • Type "sftp: config"
  • Fill opened file with:
    "name": "cleep",
    "host": "<raspberry pi ip address>",
    "protocol": "sftp",
    "port": 22,
    "username": "root",
    "remotePath": "/root/cleep-dev/modules/<your module>/" or "/root/cleep-dev/",
    "uploadOnSave": false,
    "syncOption": {
        "delete": true,
        "skipCreate": false,
        "ignoreExisting": false,
        "update": false
    "watcher": {
        "files": "**/*.{sh,py,js,css,html,json}",
        "autoUpload": true,
        "autoDelete": true
    "ignore": [".vscode", ".git"]

Local developments

If you want to develop directly on the raspberry using vim or nano, simply develop on /root/cleep-dev/ directory. Cleep-cli watcher will synchronize all your modifications.

How it works

This cli executes git commands to clone or update repository.

It uses rsync commands to synchronize files.

It uses pylint to check code quality (it returns a score)

The watchdog python library is used to detect changes on filesystem. According to changed files, it detects if change occurs on frontend or backend files and send commands to restart Cleep application.