

pip install cloud-compose-datadog==0.1.4


Cloud Compose Datadog Plugin

The cloud compose datadog plugin simplifies the process of creating and deleting Datadog monitors. To use this plugin you will only need a single file:

  • A cloud-compose.yml with desired configurations for your monitors

For an example project that uses Cloud Compose to create monitors see Docker ECS.

Once you have the configuration files, run the following commands to create the monitors:

cd my-configs
pip install cloud-compose cloud-compose-datadog
pip freeze > requirements.txt
cloud-compose datadog monitors up

And the following command to delete the monitors:

cloud-compose datadog monitors down

###Datadog API This plugin uses the Datadog native API in order to create monitors, and thus requires the following environment variables:


If you are using multiple Datadog accounts or want to be able to share those secrets easily, it is convenient to use Envdir to run the plugin

##Configuration To understand the purpose of each part of the configuration file consider the following example with an explanation of each elelment:


  name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}
  use_cluster_prefix: false
    - '@slack-dev-ops'
    notify_no_data: true
    no_data_timeframe: 480
      tag: mongodb-host-status
      message: "The mongodb replication status on {{}} indicates an error condition. See for details." 
      name: "MongoDB Host Status"
      query: 'max(last_1h):avg:mongodb.replset.state{clustername:%(name)s} by {host} > 2'
        notify_no_data: false
        notify_audit: true
      tag: mongodb-backups-missing
      message: "Some mongodb backups are missing in the last hour. Check to see why the mongodb-backups container is not working on node-0 of the cluster." 
      name: "MongoDB Missing Backups"
      query: 'min(last_2h):min:mongodb.backups.missing{clustername:%(name)s} > 0'

####name The name is the unique name of the cluster you will be creating the monitor on

####use_cluster_prefix (optional) use_cluster_prefix is a flag that, when enabled, will create monitors with the name format [${CLUSTER_NAME}] ${monitor_name}. Defaults to true

####notify A list of the people or channels you wish to notify when the monitor triggers an alert. Each element in the list will be appended to the end of each monitor's message for Datadog to use

####options (optional)* Set the default options for each monitor that you want to create. Possible options can be found on the Datadog API

####monitors The list of Datadog monitors you want to create

#####tag The unique tag to attach to the monitor

####message The message to be sent out to those specified when the monitor triggers an alert

####name The name of the monitor to be created

####query The query you want the monitor to listen to. In order to avoid conflicts with Datadog's own handlebars templating, the query string will be preformatted using Python 2's format string of the form %({{var}})s, where {{var}} is defined under datadog in the yaml. For example, %(name)s will be replaced by ${CLUSTER_NAME}

####options (optional)* Set the options for the individual monitor. Will be merged with the default options you have defined, but the individual monitor options will take precendence

* For any given monitor you can have options defined at the top level, options defined at the individual level, both, or neither. If an option is not defined, it will have the default value according to the Datadog API


To work on the code locally, checkout both cloud-compose and cloud-compose-datadog to the same parent directory. Then use a virtualenv and pip install editable to start working on them locally.

mkvirtualenv cloud-compose
pip install --editable cloud-compose
pip install --editable cloud-compose-datadog

Make sure to add unit tests for new code. You can run them using the standard setup tools command:

python test