
Unsupervized Error Logs Clusterization

pip install clusterlogs==1.1.0


ClusterLog: Unsupervised Clusterization of Error Messages


Python >= 3.6 < 3.8

This package doesn't work currently with python 2.7 because of kneed library, and with python 3.8 because of gensim.


Input: Pandas DataFrame with error log messages. DataFrame may have arbitrary columns and column names, but it must contain index column with IDs and column with text log messages. The name of log column is not fixed, but it must be specified explicitly in settings as 'target'. Possible structure of DataFrame is the following (in this example, tagret='log_message'):

ID   |   log_message                                                            | timestamp
 1   |   No events to process: 16000 (skipEvents) >= 2343 (inputEvents of HITS  | 2019-10-01T10:18:49
 2   |   AODtoDAOD got a SIGKILL signal (exit code 137)                         | 2019-10-01T09:01:57

Required input:

  • df
  • target

Optional input:

  • clusterization_settings
    • tokenizer (default: 'nltk')
    • w2v_size (default: 'auto')
    • w2v_window (default: 7)
    • min_samples (default: 1)
  • model_name (path to a file with word2vec model)
  • mode ('create'(default) | 'update' | 'load')


  1. create
    • Create word2vec model based on large sample of error logs
    • Save it to file ‘word2vec.model’ on server for further usage
  2. load
    • Load word2vec model from file (without re-training the model)
  3. update
    • Load word2vec model from file and train (update) this model with new error logs
    • Save updated model in file

Clusterization of error log messages is implemented as a chain of methods:

  1. data_preparation - cleaning initial log messages from unnecessary substrings (UUID, line numbers,...)
  2. tokenization - split each log message into tokens (NLTK|pyonmttok)
  3. tokens_vectorization - train word2vec model
  4. sentence_vectorization - convert word2vec to sent2vec model
  5. kneighbors - calculate k-neighbors
  6. epsilon_search - search epsilon for the DBSCAN algorithm
  7. dbscan - execute DBSCAN clusterization, returns cluster labels


The output is available in different views:

  1. ALL - DataFrame grouped by cluster numbers
  2. INDEX - dictionary of lists of indexes for all clusters
  3. TARGET - dictionary of lists of error messages for all clusters
  4. cluster labels - array of cluster labels (as output of DBSCAN -> fit_predict())

Clusters statistics:

Clusters Statistics returns DataFrame or dictionary with statistic for all clusters:

  • cluster_name - name of a cluster
  • cluster_size - number of log messages in cluster
  • pattern - all common substrings in messages in the cluster
  • vocab - all tokens in error messasges
  • vocab_length - the length of cluster's vocabulary
  • mean_length - average length of log messages in cluster
  • std_length - standard deviation of length of log messages in cluster
  • mean_similarity - average similarity of log messages in cluster
  • std_similarity - standard deviation of similarity of log messages in cluster


pip install clusterlogs


from clusterlogs import pipeline, cluster_output

Detailed usage of this library is described at clusterlogs_notebook.ipynb.

Author: (Maria Grigorieva)