
Simple command line program wrapper adding debugging arguments.

pip install cmdman==0.0.3


cmdman: Simple command line program wrapper adding debugging arguments.


This library provides a simple wrapper around argparse to manage debugging of applications easily. Here is what it does:

  • On creation of a cmdman instance, it initializes a new argparse argument parser accessible through obj.parser.
  • You can then call the parse function with the args parameter to parse your command line arguments. If no args is provided, cmdman simply uses sys.argv as the source. This function returns the "return code" advised by the feature called.

Now there are two possibilities: if you set up subparsers using the add_subparser function, it will automatically call the associated function, otherwise it will call the default_func provided in the init (default prints help and returns 1).

If any of these functions raises a instance of a (sub)class of CMDMAN_CMDError, this will be considered a "command error" that should be displayed properly to the user of your program. By default, it wraps the text of the error on 70 columns, and prepends it with "ERROR: ". So for instance, if your program does this:

def main(args):
    if not os.path.isdir(args.output_dir):
        raise cmdman.CMDMAN_CMDError('output directory does not exist')
    # [...]

Then cmdman will display this error properly. Now the interesting part is that you don't always want to hide the fact that this error was an exception. This is what cmdman is for. It adds two options to the argument parser, --backtrace and --pdb.

The first one displays the backtrace of the actual exception, so you can see the full path to the error which might help understand where that error comes from.

But even more useful, if you can reproduce the bug, is the --pdb option that allows you to debug from the point where the exception was raised.

To summarize, this small library provides a simple way to write command line tools displaying user friendly errors without preventing you from debugging/having your users help you understand why they hit an error.

Full documentation of the API comming soon. Meanwhile, the code is less than 150 lines and commented, so you should probably go check it out to see what options are available. Also, read the tests and contents of examples directory for example of usages.

How to install

pip install cmdman

Example: examples/

$ python examples/ .
$ python examples/ wedjkdj
ERROR: directory does not exist.
$ python examples/ wedjkdj -b
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/franck/Projects/libs/cmdman/cmdman/", line 79, in parse
    return self._default_func(args)
  File "examples/", line 9, in main
    raise cmdman.CMDMAN_CMDError('directory does not exist.')
CMDMAN_CMDError: directory does not exist.
$ python examples/ wedjkdj -P
> /Users/franck/Projects/libs/cmdman/examples/
-> raise cmdman.CMDMAN_CMDError('directory does not exist.')
(Pdb) bt
-> return self._default_func(args)
> /Users/franck/Projects/libs/cmdman/examples/
-> raise cmdman.CMDMAN_CMDError('directory does not exist.')

Other information

  • Licence: New BSD Licence
  • Bug reports/Feature requests: