
Extension for cmsplugin-blog which adds categories to the blog.

django, blog, django-cms, app, plugin, apphook
pip install cmsplugin-blog-categories==0.4



This app has been discontinued and is no longer maintained.

cmsplugin-blog Categories

An extension for cmsplugin-blog which adds categories to the blog. Out of the box cmsplugin-blog only supports tags.


You need to install the following prerequisites in order to use this app:

pip install Django
pip install django-cms
pip install cmsplugin-blog
pip install simple-translation

If you want to install the latest stable release from PyPi:

$ pip install cmsplugin-blog-categories

If you feel adventurous and want to install the latest commit from GitHub:

$ pip install -e git://

Add cmsplugin_blog_categories to your INSTALLED_APPS:


In your django-cms instance change the Blog Apphook to the Blog Categories Apphook.


This app includes all URLs of the original cmsplugin-blog, so if you were not using an apphook but hooked the URLs into your main manually, you should hook this app's instead.

Display the category of an entry

In order to display an entry's category, do the following:

{% load cmsplugin_blog_categories_tags %}
{% get_category entry as category %}
Category:<a href="{{ category.get_absolute_url }}">{{ category.get_title }}</a>

Display a list of all categories

In order to display a list of all available categories, do the following:

{% load cmsplugin_blog_categories_tags %}
{% render_category_links exclude_empty=1 %}

Use the exclude_empty parameter if you want to show only those categories that have posts.

If you want to control the output of that tag, override the template cmsplugin_blog_categories/category_links_snippet.html


If you want to contribute to this project, please perform the following steps:

# Fork this repository
# Clone your fork
$ mkvirtualenv -p python2.7 cmsplugin-blog-categories
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ ./logger/tests/
# You should get no failing tests

$ git co -b feature_branch master
# Implement your feature and tests
# Describe your change in the CHANGELOG.txt
$ git add . && git commit
$ git push origin feature_branch
# Send us a pull request for your feature branch

Whenever you run the tests a coverage output will be generated in tests/coverage/index.html. When adding new features, please make sure that you keep the coverage at 100%.


Check the issue tracker on github for milestones and features to come.