
Slack/Email/Sound alert when your code block finishes running

slack, ml, email, development
pip install codealert==1.0.3b1



Slack/Email/Sound alert when your code block finishes running.


Python 2/3


  • Using pip: pip install codealert

  • Manually: Download python/codealert/ folder, and import it in your Python project.


Check out python/CodeAlert.ipynb for working examples.

Setup and configuration

# Import after pip install codealert
from codealert import *

# Initialize
codealert = CodeAlert()

# Easy way to turn it on/off
codealert.set('on', True)

# Method chaining way to set attributes. Sound and email is enabled but Slack is not.
codealert.set('sound_enabled', True).set('email_enabled', True).set('emails', ['YOUR_EMAIL'])

List of attributes:

  • on: bool
  • sound_enabled: bool or a str indicating the sound you want to be played, i.e. passing in done will invoke a terminal sound saying done.
  • email_enabled: bool
  • emails: [] array of string emails to send to
  • slack_enabled: bool
  • slack_urls: [] array of slack urls to send to. Please obtain your slack urls from
  • logtext: str default log text that is sent to your email/Slack. If ping is being called with a str argument passed in, that will override logtext. print statements in a pingd decorated function will also override logtext.

In-line alerts

# Start Code block
import time
# End Code block

# One line ping here that will send you an email and emit a sound'Finished sleeping for 3 seconds')

If you want to enable Slack, you'll have to reconfigure your codealert instance:

slack_urls = ['']
codealert.set('slack_enabled', True).set('slack_urls', slack_urls)

Then ping to send you a notification in Slack:

import time
time.sleep(1)"CodeAlert pinging Slack after 1 second")

Decorate functions

pingd(codealert, options) decorator that takes in two optional arguments: codealert instance and options which is a dictionary of attributes that applies only to this function. If codealert is not passed in, a new codealert instance will be initialised. If options is not passed in, options set in codealert will be used.

Note: options does not mutate codealert instance passed in.

custom_options = {'email_enabled': False, 'sound_enabled': 'done', 'slack_enabled': True}

# Pass in code alert and custom options
@pingd(codealert, custom_options)
def func(a, b, c):
    import time
# Test call function
func('a', 'b', 'c')

This will send you a Slack notification and play a sound after the end of the function execution.

Decorated functions also sends you the ping whenever an error happens in the function. Furthermore, all print statements in a function will be forwarded to you, along with the error invoked:

def func_error():
    import time
    print('This code is before the error')
    x = None + 2
    print('This code does not print')
# Test call function

The above function when called will send to your Slack the following message:

unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'int'

This code is before the error

Important things to note when using

  • I have hosted a small server to handle email notifications. Hence if you are using email notifications, please do not spam my server, i.e. do not place a ping() call inside a for loop. Violation of this will result in me banning your usage of the server for email notifications permanently.

For open source contributors

  • Please commit to a separate branch and submit a pull request.
  • If you run your own node.js server, remember to change the BASE_URL in to your server's host and port.
  • If you want to run email alerts, you have to create a credentials.txt in the root directory of your node.js app. The first line of the file will be your email address, and the second line being your email pass, i.e.